
來源: 金豬寶 2024-03-08 13:45:37 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (10523 bytes)


我在研究腳和腿的衰老逆轉時,意外發現: 腳和腿的衰老(人的衰老)和長期使用壓力(縮)襪有關! 




















1. 使用壓力襪的好處

(1) 通過將液體從組織中壓出去,使足部的腫脹消失,這是一個流變特性。
(2) 通過施加壓力,血管會變窄。 這將提高腳部和受影響腿部的血液的線性流速。 這可以預防深靜脈血栓形成 (DVT)。 請參閱最近的評論 [1]。
(3) 壓縮襪可以改善女性的體形和藝術家的體形。


2. 預期長期風險

(1) 通過增加血液的線性流速,並增加腳腿部的血壓,必然增加循環血液對血管的壓力。 我懷疑從長遠來看它會增加血管的老化和損壞程度。

(2)  看人體的血管分布圖,壓力襪將係統血壓升高。 如果一個人對所有四肢和整個身體施加壓力,該人的係統血壓就會急劇升高(懂流體力學的人容易看出這個問題)。

(3) 心髒負擔增加。

(4) 單位時間內流過受壓部位的血流量總量必然減少。 它會減少營養物質並削弱腎的除去代謝產物的能力,從而對該地區產生不利影響。

3. 預測的長期危險

我懷疑長期使用壓力襪可能會有多種健康風險。 壓力襪幹擾足三陰和足三陽。 人走路或跑步的時候,都會拉動那六條經絡,分別影響腎、肝、脾、生殖係統。 眾所周知,肢體受壓會幹擾神經信號交流:例如腕管綜合症;緊身衣服幹擾氣血的運行(練氣功和冥想的人知道)。 根據進化論,當人類在森林中奔跑時,他們的腳會拉動這六條經絡。 現代人每天使用腳/腿的時間非常有限,然而,壓力襪會阻礙神經信號交的交流(氣血運行)。它會幹擾 (1) 腳趾與大腦,(2)腳與大腦之間的信號交換,並阻礙  (3) 從腳底到大腦的腳底碰地時振動信號。壓力襪就像阻礙這個促進健康的機製,造成係統性的不利影響。 我預測,常期使用壓力襪加速腎髒、肝髒、脾髒、肺以及生殖係統的老化和功能喪失。

補充證據:1982年之前,在中國很少見到蜘蛛靜脈和黑靜脈。 據我記憶,我從未在親戚、朋友、同事、同學或家人聽說過這個問題。 那時的襪子非常寬鬆(而且人們攝入的對神經係統和血管係統有害的毒素也少得多)。相比之下,在當今中國,血管老化也很普遍。 蜘蛛靜脈和黑靜脈在美國很常見(任何人都可以搜索並找到顯示這種病況的照片)。

我發現的這些危險與研究文獻並沒有衝突:那些已發表的研究旨在尋找壓力襪如何降低深靜脈血栓形成 的發生率,但所引用綜述文章明確指出:可用於準確評估不良反應和並發症發生率的數據有限。壓力襪的使用,因為納入的研究的文章並沒有通常報告這些內容。 (很少人認真研究使用壓力襪的長期危險)。

4 警告

經常使用壓力襪可能會幹擾並損害進化來的保劍機製,從而對血管係統和大多數主要器官產生不利影響。 通過預期長期的影響,壓力襪傷害腳部的血管和全身心血管;通過幹擾神經信號交流,壓力襪慢慢傷害腎髒、肝髒、脾髒、肺以及生殖係統。壓力襪的傷害是慢慢慢慢地通過時間效應來實現。這種濫用壓力襪的文化將損害數百萬人的健康,並導致大量人提早死亡。然而,在短暫的醫院就診時短暫使用壓力襪因該是安全的。但人們不應該每天都穿壓力襪。


我找不到寬鬆的襪子了。 對我來說唯一的選擇是切去所有壓力形成部分,以減少壓力。


The systematic long-term dangers of using compression socks

I study the aging problem of foot and legs, naturally, I look into the role of socks. I found:

Picture: Compression socks, the left is a ordinary sock  with great compression force, the center is a compression sock used in a hospital, and the right one is a relaxing sock with little compression force.

1. Benefits of using compression socks

(1) Make foot swelling disappear by compressing fluid out of the tissue, This is a simple rheological property.

(2) By applying pressure, the blood vessels will be narrowed. This will raise the linear flow rate of blood in the feet and affected legs. This can prevent DVT. See a recent review [1].

(3) Compression socks may improve the body profile for women and artists.

(4) The total amount of blood flow through the compressed region in a given time must be reduced, and thus impairs local blood circulation. It adversely impairs the region by reducing nutrients and impairing the capacity of removing metabolic by-products.

All of those are short-term benefits.

2. Expected long-term risks

(1) By increasing the linear flow speed of blood and, at the same time, increasing the blood pressure in foot and leg, it must increase the shear stress of the circulating blood on the blood vessels walls. I suspect it will increase the aging and damaging degree in a long term.

(2) By compressing blood vessels, the compression sock will increase the blood pressure. By looking the blood vessels distribution diagram, the sock must raise the systematic blood pressure. If a person applies compression in all limbs and the whole body, it would dramatically raise the systematic blood pressure (so one can see why; and also those who have learned hydrodynamics can see this problem easily).

(3) It will have an increased burden on the heart.

3. Predicted long-term dangers

I suspect that compression socks can have great health risks if they are used in long term. Foot and legs have three negative Jinlou (經絡) and three positive Jinlou. When people walk and run, they will pull those six Jinlou, which influence kidneys, liver, spleen and the reproductive system. It is known the compression of limbs can interfere with neurological signal exchanges (For example, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and tight clothing interferes with Qi flow (those, who practice Qigong and meditation, know it). Based on evolution, when humans run or chased animals in the forest, their feet pulled those six  Jinlou. Now, modern people use foot/legs for very limited times each day; yet, compression socks block the nerve signal exchanges in affected regions (related to Qi and blood flow). It must interfere with nerve signal exchanges between toes and the brain, the feet and the brain, and weaken the vibration signals from the foot to the brain. This is like blocking this health-promoting mechanism with systematic adverse impacts. I predict that the long-term effects of daily use of compression socks are earlier failure of many vital organs including kidneys, liver, spleen, lungs, plus the reproductive system.  

Observational evidence: Before 1982, it was rare to see spider veins and black veins in China. Based on my memory, I never heard this problem among my relatives, friends, coworkers, classmates and family members. Socks at that time were very relaxing (also people ate far less toxins harmful to the nervous system and the vascular system). In contrast, aging blood vessels are more prevalent now in China. Spider veins and black veins are very common in the USA (Anyone can search and find photos showing this disease condition).

My prediction of those dangers is not in conflict with published studies: those published studies were to find how compression socks reduce the incidence of DVT, but the review article expressly stated: “Limited data were available to accurately assess the incidence of adverse effects and complications with the use of GCS [compression socks] as these were not routinely quantitatively reported in the included studies. ” Few have done serious studies to evaluate the long-term dangers of using compression socks. 

4. My warning

Routine use of compression socks may adversely affect the vascular system and many major organs by impairing the evolution-creating health-promoting mechanism. This compression-sock culture will ruin millions of people's health and cause massive earlier deaths. If anyone has doubt about degree of dangers of lifestyle culture, see how each bad product in the USA ruined and killed massive people in its history. However, a brief use of compression socks in a brief hospital visit seem safe. One should not wear compression socks daily for no reason.

I cannot find relaxing socks anymore. The only option for me is cutting off all compression portions to reduce the compression pressure. 


1. Sachdeva A, Dalton M, Lees T. Graduated compression stockings for prevention of deep vein thrombosis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018 Nov 3;11(11):CD001484. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001484.pub4. PMID: 30390397; PMCID: PMC6477662. ((Based on the results from one trial focusing on medical patients admitted following acute myocardial infarction, 0 of 80 (0%) legs developed DVT in the GCS group and 8 of 80 (10%) legs developed DVT in the control group. The Peto OR was 0.12 (95% CI 0.03 to 0.51; low‐quality evidence) with an overall effect favouring treatment with GCS (P = 0.004). None of the medical patients in either group developed a proximal DVT, and the incidence of PE was not reported.)


我有一雙襪子 -ephd- 給 ephd 發送悄悄話 ephd 的博客首頁 (42 bytes) () 03/08/2024 postreply 13:53:26

那幾雙襪子都太短,應該到膝下。彈力襪適合特定職業和某些將殊情況,不能長期使用。在非直立休閑狀態下不要使用。 -fuz- 給 fuz 發送悄悄話 fuz 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/08/2024 postreply 15:36:05

為什麽不能長期用呢? -ShirleyKay- 給 ShirleyKay 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/08/2024 postreply 20:51:57

-fuz- 給 fuz 發送悄悄話 fuz 的博客首頁 (125 bytes) () 03/09/2024 postreply 04:45:55

謝謝! -ShirleyKay- 給 ShirleyKay 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2024 postreply 14:28:39

我最近幾次長途飛行穿到膝蓋的壓力襪非常管用,腳不再腫了。 -AprilMei- 給 AprilMei 發送悄悄話 AprilMei 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/08/2024 postreply 16:24:58

我剛剛跟買,準備飛機上用 -shuilifang- 給 shuilifang 發送悄悄話 shuilifang 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/08/2024 postreply 16:49:33



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