
本帖於 2024-12-23 16:55:50 時間, 由普通用戶 863211 編輯
回答: 請教8老師 H1B簽證的問題AmandaH2024-12-19 21:39:02

8老師您好,我最近公司A幫忙申請H1B時候遇到一些問題,想請教您。我現在公司2024年10月份給我遞交申請H1B extension, 兩天前收到通知, saying H1B request was approved, but the request for an extension of stay is being denied. The denying reason is that my H1B status expired on July 25, 2024, and the petition was filed on 10/25/2024, so I failed to maintain my nonimmigrant status. 所以在I-797B上顯示H1B approved, 但是沒有新的I-94附在上麵。公司律師還有我自己都認為移民局的判斷是錯誤的,我是一直保持我的valid status的。以下是我的H1B申請的時間線。

我之前的公司M在2024年4月幫我申的I-129(H1B extension), 4/24/2024收到的receipt notice,收到receipt notice之後我就開始工作,但是我的H1B 的申請一直是pending狀態,一直到10月份現在的A公司幫我申請新的H1B都是呈pending狀態。期間我詢問了M公司律師好幾次,答複現在移民局審理H1B case都很慢,pending是正常的。後來我轉換到現在的A公司,幫忙申請新的H1B, 10/28/2024收到receipt notice。USCIS在12/06/2024發出I-797 notice for approval notice for the classification request but denied for the extension of status requst. 在這之後,12/11/2024 USCIS發出M公司的H1B application request withdraw notice。

在12/06 發出的I-797 decision notice中說,the beneficiary's H1B status expired on July 25, 2024, and the instant petition was filed on October 25, 2024. USCIS recognizes petition IOE09... (M公司的H1B request) was timely filed, however, that petition was withdrawn on December 11, 2024. While the beneficiary is in a period of authorized stay, he/she is not in a period of authorized status. Therefore, the requested extesion of stay cannot be granted.

-Because M company withdrew the H-1B extension petition, the  status bridge for your H-1B status transfer was broken. Thus, you have the status gap and then, USCIS denied your status extension. If the H-1B extension filed M Company was approved (if it was not withdrawn, it would have been approved), then you would have no the problem. So, I think USCIS' decision on your case was correct.

對於這個決定公司律師也覺得很奇怪,說M公司在幫我申H1B的時候我的I-94並沒有過期(之前的H1B approval上附的I-94有效期到10/25/2026,當A公司幫我申新的H1B的時候M公司的H1B申請是pending狀態,不能說我的身份是無效的。而且M公司的H1B withdraw (12/11/2024)是發生在A公司的H1B申請 I-797 notice 出來(12/06/2024) 之後。之後律師跟USCIS溝通了一下,USCIS 還是堅持之前決定。

我想谘詢下我下一步應該怎麽辦。公司律師說因為沒有給我新的I-94, 讓我應該盡快離境,回國重新申請H1B visa入境。我現在不確定是不是應該這樣做,因為害怕回國申請H1B visa以同樣的理由被拒,畢竟USCIS拒絕了我的extension。

-This issue should not affect your H-1B visa application if you leave US within one month. The problem is that the relationship between China and US is getting worse, the US Consulate may give you trouble on the visa approval if your major is in a sensitive area such as high technology.

我現在的情況如下,我已經申請NIW綠卡,I-140已經批準,I-485申請表B是current, 但表A還不是。我對象是H1B 簽證,但沒有申請綠卡。所以我想請問我現在的狀況能申請I-485 EAD卡麽?

-Has you filed I-485 yet? If yes, you do not leave US and just apply for the EAD to work, but EAD may take a longer time to be approved and thus, you cannot work before it is approved. EAD application is not related to your prority date current or not neither based on A Form or B Form. That means you can apply for EAD any time as long as your have a pending I-485.

或者應該在美國轉身份為H4還是應該回國重新申請 H1B visa?

-You cannot change your status within US because you have the status gap.


-If you do not file I-485 yet, unless your priority date is current to allow you file I-485 within 180 days, you still have to leave US. So, you had better go to China to apply for the H-1B visa as soon as possible.




多謝8老師!麻煩再請教一下I485問題 -AmandaH- 給 AmandaH 發送悄悄話 (1698 bytes) () 12/20/2024 postreply 13:07:09

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麻煩再請教8老師一個問題 -AmandaH- 給 AmandaH 發送悄悄話 (1392 bytes) () 12/20/2024 postreply 17:16:54

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感謝8老師,還是這個問題 -AmandaH- 給 AmandaH 發送悄悄話 (545 bytes) () 12/20/2024 postreply 17:53:56

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多謝多謝8老師幫忙解答了這麽多問題,弄清楚了我很多疑問。萬分感謝! -AmandaH- 給 AmandaH 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 12/20/2024 postreply 19:50:28

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謝謝8老師建議,真的是雪中送炭 -AmandaH- 給 AmandaH 發送悄悄話 (544 bytes) () 12/21/2024 postreply 18:58:39

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萬分感謝8老師!!! -AmandaH- 給 AmandaH 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 12/21/2024 postreply 20:18:27

8老師,再麻煩請教一個綠卡問題 -AmandaH- 給 AmandaH 發送悄悄話 (335 bytes) () 12/22/2024 postreply 11:29:46

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多謝8老師! -AmandaH- 給 AmandaH 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 12/22/2024 postreply 18:47:53
