8老師好 我現在是H1B身份 前兩天剛被 layoff, 走人的當天就是 last pay check date, 公司HR跟我說不會上報 USCIS, 並且還給了我 instruction 關於如何申請umemployment insurance的, 類似失業補貼還是啥的 還有相關憑證~
我問題是, 我在擔心如果申請失業補貼 會不會被相關部門聯係 USCIS 追查我的合法留美身份, 然後被挖出來?
-The Uemployment Benefit Office in your state will verify your status with USCIS to see whether you can be allowed to work legally in US, but USCIS will not involved in the process to track your layoff. So, not need to worry about it.
還是如果他們不互相通氣 其實我是qualify 並且也應該申請失業補貼的?
-Some state will give the unemployment benefit to the H-1 holder, but some state does not. So, just apply for it to wee what happen, If they give you the benefit, that is fine, if they don't, you can not do anything. Not hurt you to try, anyway. If the UNemployment Benefits Office ask you status, just tell them your status is H-1B, and can do the H-1 transfer if you can find a job, etc.
領了失業補貼以後, 再就業的時候需要做什麽去取消失業補貼嗎?
-When you find a job, you need to inform the Unemployment Benefits Office. The website of your state Unemploiyment Benefits Office should have this kind of the information.