別讓low stomach acid影響了健康(轉貼並更新,也有雞成蛋蛋生雞的說不清楚的關係)

本帖於 2019-11-12 21:23:14 時間, 由普通用戶 及時的雨 編輯

低胃酸low stomach acid, 或者叫胃酸分泌不足,對健康影響太大了。






Stomach acid is a prerequisite to healthy digestion. The breakdown and absorption of nutrients occurs at an optimum rate only within a narrow range of acidity in the stomach. If there isn’t enough acid, the normal chemical reactions required to absorb nutrients is impaired.

Stomach acid plays a key role in the digestion of protein, carbohydrates and fat. When food is eaten, the secretion of stomach acid (HCL) triggers the production of pepsin. Pepsin is the enzyme required to digest protein. If HCL levels are depressed, so are pepsin levels. As a result, proteins don’t get broken down into their component amino acids and peptides. These undigested proteins putrefy in the gut, and may cause gas, bloating, heartburn and other digestive issues.

At the same time, proteins that escape digestion by pepsin may end up in the bloodstream. Since this is not supposed to happen, the body reacts to these proteins as if they were foreign invaders, causing allergic and autoimmune responses.

Low stomach acid also impairs carbohydrate digestion. Stomach acid (HCL) supports the breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates by stimulating the release of pancreatic enzymes into the small intestine. If the pH of the stomach is too high (due to insufficient stomach acid), the pancreatic enzymes will not be secreted and the carbohydrates will not be broken down properly. As Dr. Norm Robillard explained in his book Heartburn Cured, undigested carbohydrates provoke an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine (a.k.a. “SIBO”) which in turn leads to increased gas production and acid reflux. (I’ve written an entire eBook on low stomach acid and GERD <LINK>, so check that out if you haven’t already.)

There are numerous causes of low stomach acid. The most common are:

■ H. pylori infection. This is extremely common; studies suggest that 1 in 2 people are infected globally. (1) H. pylori suppresses stomach acid production as a survival strategy.

■ Stress. Chronic stress has been shown to decrease stomach acid production.

 ■ Acid suppressing drugs. Long-term use of Prilosec, one of the most potent acid suppressing drugs, reduces the secretion of hydrochloric acid (HCL) in the stomach to near zero. (2)

■ Low animal protein (i.e. vegetarian/vegan) diet. I haven’t seen studies on this, but my clinical and personal experience suggest that eating a diet low in animal protein decreases stomach acid secretion over time. 有意思的是,研究中還沒有類似的說法,生活中並不少見,該是引起關注的了

■ Age. Numerous studies have shown that stomach acid secretion declines with age. In one study researchers found that over 30 percent of men and women past the age of 60 suffer from atrophic gastritis, a condition marked by little to no acid secretion. (3) Another study found that 40% of women over the age of 80 produce no stomach acid at all. (4)







The first step in restoring stomach acid production is addressing any factors that are inhibiting it. This means getting tested for H. pylori if you suspect it, taking steps to manage chronic stress and avoiding acid-suppressing drugs.

The next step is to take hydrochloric acid (HCL). I describe the rationale and protocol for this in detail in my eBook on Heartburn and GERD <LINK>, but the short version is this: taking HCL can often help kick start the body’s own acid production. Most patients I’ve treated only need to take HCL for somewhere between 3-6 months, and are then able to gradually titrate off it. A minority of patients, such as elderly people with atrophic gastritis or people that have been on PPIs for many years, may need to remain on HCL indefinitely. That is a much better option than the alternative, which is to suffer from digestive problems as well as the potentially serious consequences of low stomach acid (such as decreased nutrient absorption, bacterial overgrowth, increased susceptibility to infection and even a higher risk of gastric cancer).

Be aware that HCL should always be taken with pepsin — or, better yet, acid-stable protease — because it is likely that if the stomach is not producing enough HCL, it is also not producing enough protein digesting enzymes.

Another way to stimulate acid production in the stomach is by taking bitter herbs. “Bitters” have been used in traditional cultures for thousands of years to stimulate and improve digestion. More recently, studies have confirmed the ability of bitters to increase the flow of digestive juices, including HCL, bile, pepsin, gastrin and pancreatic enzymes. (5) The following is a list of bitter herbs commonly used in Western and Chinese herbology:

■ Dandelion

■ Fennel

■ Gentian root

■ Ginger

■ Beet root

■ Goldenseal root

■ Milk thistle

■ Peppermint

■ Wormwood

■ Yellow dock

Bitters are normally taken in very small doses – just enough to evoke a strong taste of bitterness. Kerry Bone, a respected Western herbalist, suggests 5 to 10 drops of a 1:5 tincture of the above herbs taken in 20 mL of water.




甲減也是原因。 -Michelangelo- 給 Michelangelo 發送悄悄話 Michelangelo 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/12/2019 postreply 18:01:55

有沒有辦法測胃酸? -Michelangelo- 給 Michelangelo 發送悄悄話 Michelangelo 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/12/2019 postreply 18:02:31

我現在的問題不知是低胃酸,還是高胃酸,東西吃下去,有時就在胃上麵堵著,很難受。 -sun45- 給 sun45 發送悄悄話 (198 bytes) () 11/12/2019 postreply 19:20:08
