求救: attorney’s lien

我有個房客屢次不按時交租,一年半後就沒再給她續租(7月搬出去了), 搬出去前她一直求我續租(估計找過律師想告我不續租,沒成,一年租期到後,就隻給續了半年,並寫了個notice 如果繼續晚交,就不續租 她當時簽字了。半年租期內繼續晚交,所以半年後就不續了)。她然後又找律師說房子有個拉門roller 壞了,她3 月時拉門時傷了手腕。她說她做了therapy , ( 她一年半前搬進來之前因為在Amazon 傷了手腕,一直在做therapy 並從Amazon 那裏拿到一筆補償 每月????disability payment   。) 

昨天收到她律師來信,要我和我的保險公司聯係付她的 attorney lien :

Please take notice this office has been retained to pursue a cause of action for damages arising from an injury sustained by xxx.  on your property located at by xxxxx. on or about March 15, 2024.


If you were insured at the time of this incident, please send the enclosed Attorney Lien to your insurance company. All future communications will then be directed to your insurance company.


請問,這事是我們應該直接給我的insurance company 聯係?還是我應該直接回複她的律師?我們買了保險,那個roller 確實有點問題,拉門時需要抬起,但不至於傷人。怎麽證明做therapy 是因為我的門傷了她?為啥我們(或我們的保險)該付她的attorney lien ? 


