-You did the right thing even if they may not get the B-2 visa.
所以我就把 DS-160重新填寫了一份,沒填申請過移民,由於簽證預約距離簽證日太近, 不能取消, 所以 然後決定 5/2 簽證 不去了。 以後再重新預約一次用新的 DS 160。
1. 如果這次簽證 被拒了, 對於以後綠卡申請是否有影響呢? -No.
2. DS160上不寫申請過移民的風險有多大? -Very serious and the VO will find it. They might be denied to enter US permanently if you do not tell the truth in the visa application. So, always tell the truth.
3. 還有其他建議嗎? 萬分感謝
-Most likely they can not get the B-2 visa due to immigrant intent. They may have to apply for the immigrant visa in China to enter US, not B-1 or B-2 visa.