
本帖於 2022-03-22 08:58:51 時間, 由版主 檸檬椰子汁 編輯
回答: 好的,謝謝,讀過了,但是沒搞懂一家之長2022-03-22 08:22:22


§ 4-1.1 Descent and distribution of a decedent's estate
    The  property  of  a  decedent  not  disposed  of  by  will  shall  be
  distributed as provided in this section. In computing said distribution,
  debts, administration expenses and reasonable funeral expenses shall  be
  deducted  but all estate taxes shall be disregarded, except that nothing
  contained herein relieves a distributee from contributing  to  all  such
  taxes   the   amounts  apportioned  against  him  or  her  under  2-1.8.
  Distribution shall then be as follows:
    (a) If a decedent is survived by:
    (1) A spouse and issue, fifty thousand dollars  and  one-half  of  the
  residue  to  the  spouse,  and  the  balance  thereof  to  the  issue by
    (2) A spouse and no issue, the whole to the spouse.
    (3) Issue and no spouse, the whole to the issue, by representation. (如果子輩先於死者死,孫輩可以代位繼承。)
    (4) One or both parents, and no spouse and no issue, the whole to  the
  surviving parent or parents.
    (5) Issue of parents, and no spouse, issue or parent, the whole to the
  issue of the parents, by representation. (如果侄子輩先於死者死,侄孫輩可以代位繼承)

"by representation" = 代位繼承



好的,謝謝,繼續學習 -一家之長- 給 一家之長 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/22/2022 postreply 08:57:15
