don't think amerian is paradise for women, no one could help you except yourselves.
calling police is the last thing you want to do, if you don't hate your hu*****and that much. because your hu*****and's career would be totally detroyed by the criminal record. most companies would hire this kind of person. since you got all the pictures, that is a very smart and very useful for future use if he do something beyond your limit in the future.
you can alway warn him what he did is wrong and what you did for him because you love him. there is almost no self defense in domestic violence cases because women are weaker than men. so law will 100% percent protect weaker ones. wherever you did to him, maybe is wrong, but he shouldn't hit you. that will 100% wrong according to the law.
many companies with security clearance, you couldn't even get in if you have criminal record as a customer or client or employee or whatever you are.
again, this is america, chinese man should control their anger, and release them in right ways. you shouldn't expect your spouses as submissive as the chinese women in old times or expect them have a very clear mind when they got beaten up by their hu*****ands. they usually do crazy things such as calling the police since misunderstanding the american law, and think police as a social worker like in China. you will get the worst consequece you could imagine, and permanent damage to your career and life.
who pay the bill and who is the dependent shouldn't granted anyone priviliage to have outragous behavior. hu*****and and wife depend on each other mutually.neither hu*****and or wife contribute more than the other. if you think everyone is equal, then you will behave equal. there won't so much complaints about house work, nor physical and mental abuse either.
Attention: should't call the police before you completely understand the consequences brought to the family and him. if you think it worth it, then do it. if not, then it all depends on you how to handle it.
almost all american man think women should call police because h
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09/16/2006 postreply
husband or wife always can be changed, but criminal record
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09/16/2006 postreply