green card then divorce

來源: saddad 2005-05-13 09:53:16 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (960 bytes)
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Wait another half year to get the green card. Then file divorce and get child custody, support and alimony. Child support can be deducted directly by the state and employer, it will be over half of his salary.You might get nothing if he is not a US citizen and go back to China.

You have to protect your children and yourself. If your child is badly hurt and she called the police, the child may be taken by the DSS, you might lose custody and be charged also. You have to call the police if either you or your child is badly hurt. Get the witness, picture and doctor visit record. He will be arrested. If convicted, he might get jail time, lose green card and get deported. Make sure he understands the serious effects of abuse. As a victim of DV, you may get the green card. After calling the police, you may get restraining order so that you get the custody of child and house to live.

Divorce is sad. But no one is slave to others. Take care.


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