這樣他有借口說沒錢, 而用盡銀行存款,且來年Tax Return 他 file separately 可拿全部的credit. 請高手指點我應該怎麽辦? 我的律
師在對方頻出怪招的情形下, 一愁莫展, 我正考慮換律師. 我在麻州. 我 已過完 two pretrials, no hope to negociate,
waiting for final trial in the next few months. He wanted to file tax return separately for year 2014 as well though we can get credit if file jointly. Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.
• 不知道你為什麽會覺得律師不力 -檸檬椰子汁- ♂ (1345 bytes) () 04/08/2015 postreply 15:01:20