孩子撫養權 claimed as the following:
在我看來, 我的前夫沒有這方麵的能力, 他生活自理能力不太好, 而且很容易發怒, 這些都是我不想孩子學到的不良習慣.
I have the same problem. I will be angry if my wife did something mean to me. or saying something nasty.
I never cook, cause i never learned how to cook.
However, what she didn't tell is she start working for only about 1 year and my income is about twice as much as her.
We live with her mom and her sister. We provide all the food/housing and give them money to use. They did help on nanny our son. And her mom/sister does not have legal status and we are doing each other a favor.
Her sister has some health problem causes eating disorder. We spend over $2000 a month just on food.
Moreover, my parents cannot visit us to see my son without her saying yes and usually she does not allow my parents come to visit. (I'm the only son.)
回複:To 孩子撫養權
she doesn't let my parents come just to satisfy her sister's fee
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06/03/2009 postreply