
the only thing you worry about now is: know how much money you two have and check if he transfered the money to someone else. you will get the child custody, no matter how poor you are, the law pretect women and weak ones, not strong and rich ones. try to give lawyer evidence he is not a good father. and you are entitled to have 50% of everything in your family. he will have to pay child support and have support you for the next few years since you don't have a job. that is the law. you are in america, not in China, don't think thing in chinese ways. one of the friend here has to pay to child support and have to support his wife for the next 5 years since his wife doesn't work. I am pretty sure you will be very independent 5 years later. but it do help you to have a good life when you trying to finish at school, since he is such a bastard, he should be punished, get a lawyer and your bastard hu*****and will get what he deserve. actually he deserves much worse than just lose some money...... and I consulted my lawyer boyfriend, he said the same thing. you bastard hu*****and has to pay child support and support you too.
hire a lawyer as soon as possible.
