You should simply just ignore the letter from the merchant. Cardholders shouldn't deal with merchants after credit card transactions have been approved. If there are any dispute between cardholders and merchants after the transactions occurred, cardholders should deal with the credit card companies directly. Credit card companies will conduct an investigation after receiving the dispute and can either deny or accept the dispute after completing their investigation. For your case, if the credit card company confirmed its a fraudulent transaction, then the credit card company will decide who should take the loss, the credit card compay itself or the merchant, based on the guaidlines/rules set by the associates (Visa, MC, Amex, or Discover). These associates will serve as an arbitrator if there is still a dispute between the credit card company and merchant about who should take the loss.
I suggest to call the credit card company to (1) check the status of the fraud case you filed (2) consult with them what you need to do if you keep getting letters from the merchant (letting me know their suggestion).
You can do anything but pay the bill.
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11/19/2008 postreply