
最新US News 全美大學排名 National University Rankings如下。此文所述過時了。另外US News隻是一家之言, 偏愛東部藤校的。其實大家都知道HSMPY是頂尖。

Best National Universities Best National Liberal Arts Colleges
1. Princeton University (NJ) 1. Williams College (MA)
2. Harvard University (MA) 2. Amherst College (MA)
3. Yale University (CT) 3. Swarthmore College (PA)
4. Columbia University (NY) 4. Bowdoin College (ME)
5. Stanford University (CA) 4. Middlebury College (VT)
5. University of Chicago (IL) 4. Pomona College (CA)
7. Duke University (NC) 7. Carleton College (MN)
7. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 7. Wellesley College (MA)
7. University of Pennsylvania 9. Claremont McKenna College (CA)
10. California Institute of Technology 9. Davidson College (NC)
10. Dartmouth College (NH)



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