最新US News 全美大學排名 National University Rankings如下。此文所述過時了。另外US News隻是一家之言, 偏愛東部藤校的。其實大家都知道HSMPY是頂尖。
Best National Universities | Best National Liberal Arts Colleges |
1. Princeton University (NJ) | 1. Williams College (MA) |
2. Harvard University (MA) | 2. Amherst College (MA) |
3. Yale University (CT) | 3. Swarthmore College (PA) |
4. Columbia University (NY) | 4. Bowdoin College (ME) |
5. Stanford University (CA) | 4. Middlebury College (VT) |
5. University of Chicago (IL) | 4. Pomona College (CA) |
7. Duke University (NC) | 7. Carleton College (MN) |
7. Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 7. Wellesley College (MA) |
7. University of Pennsylvania | 9. Claremont McKenna College (CA) |
10. California Institute of Technology | 9. Davidson College (NC) |
10. Dartmouth College (NH) |