中藥治療兒童血小板減少最常用的是花生衣湯,紅的。為啥不吃十幾味藥的湯藥? 試想2歲男孩, PLT count 2000/ul, 誰敢強喂中藥,引起哭鬧,顱內出血?
兒童血小板減少大部分6 months自己好了(急性), 剩下的大部分也慢慢會好, teen, girl usually has more problems. For example, a teenage girl's low platelet count might be associated with SLE, etc.
In US, it is very common to use IVIG to quickly increase PLT count. IVIG is very expensive.
Or you can use 強的鬆 after a bone marrow exam to make sure no malignancy.
Adult ITP seems to be always chronic and more difficult to treat.