
James, many of your assumptions are based on old arguments that I prefer not to revisit. I suspect, though, that you have erected a few straw men to tackle a difficult question. For example, the bear bile problem is widely acknowledged by most Chinese medicine practitioners. Furthermore, to quote Wang Guoqiang only serves to show us what a CPC functionary thinks, or how the party/state thinks, who I would argue are not representative of all Chinese medicine practice. Even though you attempt a historical perspective, I think you are targeting the entity that has been created by the party/state in the peculiar attempt to do top-down "TCM." You have also decided on a dated definition of science which discounts local practice. I suggest that science is changing and not fixed. For example, numbers of systems biologists are beginning to accept Chinese medicine as something that parallels their thinking. I will leave it there except to suggest that you are mistaken about Korea. Even if Western medicine is deeply institutionalized in South Korea, so is Traditional Korean medicine. If you went to Korea and could read Korean, you could not miss the ubiquitous and numerous Korean Medicine clinics that line nearly every street. James

所謂“erected a few straw men”這種說法很有意思,就是樹立假想敵來加以攻擊,以片麵概括全體。有攪混水的嫌疑。這種方法抨擊中醫的人士用過多次。
