7/5 更新2 of 2:我今天已經從flight Mode 變成了fight Mode。我覺得情況有所好轉。請看進來。

我今天回複了R在周一晚上給我的郵件。要求調查Cathy做的這兩件事(屬於professional misconduct)。並且提到我和朋友,同事和前同事都說過Tina淩霸的事。並且在social media上討論過。如果需要的話,我可以提供更多被Bully的例子,及人們的聯係信息協助調查。

R最讓我生氣的是,她居然說“ I don’t believe you wanting to work from home warrant such egregious complaints alleging a 2020 occurrence我在郵件裏說: I’m deeply sadden that you found these terrible things happened to me in 2020 “egregious” in your eyes as if I made them up. I also don’t understand your logic here. I wanted to work from home because what Tina had done to me and I had to tiptoe around her all the time at work. Her hostile behaviors are the cause, yet you made me wanting to work from home as the cause instead. Also it’s not a 2020 occurrence, but should be occurrences as her abusive behaviors towards me happened multiple times over a long period of time. 郵件結尾處我問她:

Lastly, Rachel, I’d like to seriously ask you two main questions:

  1. Even though I told you I get along with everyone except Tina, why do you keep saying things as if I’m a bad coworker? Have you got any complaint about me regarding relationship at workplace?
  2. Why do you keep reiterating my job performance as a (第一個職位RS)? Even if what Cathy said about me were true, what point are you trying to make? To establish that I were a bad employee? You out of all people should know I was only a RS for 3 months. What were the expectations for me then? If I do not even know the expectations, how would you expect me to achieve them? Would that experience define me? Does my performance with that job has anything to do with my current job, which I have been doing for over 3 and half years already? Have you heard any work related complaint against me? Especially with my current job?  (其實我的前工作和現工作沒有半毛錢的關係)

我最後又把這份郵件forward給了她的上司Lilly。其實自從我在Webex上告訴她我會要求人事部調查Cathy 的professional misconducts後,她就沒有在回我一句話。我本來還問她要不要拷貝Cathy的頂頭上司和Lilly。雖然我沒有Tina bully和Cathy泄露我工資信息的鐵證,但Cathy說我Poor job performance這件事是R自己說的(應該是她自己編造的)。所以我一說調查Cathy,她就啞口無言了。關於我們部門係統更新80%可能需要耽擱一事,是我們的team時間太緊拖了後腿。不知道不能meet deadline時R這個主管會擔什麽責任。明天會和Lilly開會。有新情況我會接著更新。謝謝大家!晚安!


