You need to move your reference point

來源: One1618 2021-11-03 17:38:21 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1364 bytes)
回答: 情商低的苦惱。請拍!meimei20192021-11-02 10:02:44


You, like most normal people, interpret the reality in front of you, by refering to a standard long established through your education and experience. That standard is OUTSIDE of you, which you use as a reference point, and hope others do the same.

You boss, on the other hand, has an agenda and a narrative that serves that agenda. When he interprets that same reality, it is through a filter. The reality, as he sees it, has to fit that agenda and its narrative. In the process, his reality is distorted, compared to yours.

You carry less reaponsibility because your reference point is outside of you, not on your shoulders.

He carries more responsibility because his reference point is his agenda, it's on his shoulders. As long as it is in tune with the agenda of the management, he is on solid ground.  He is the manager for a reason.

When your narrative does not serve his agenda adequately enough, that is your current situation.

When your narrative serves your reference point, do you feel lightness on your shoulders?

If you know his agenda, are you willing to shift your narrative by moving your reference point? even though you might feel heavier on your shoulders.






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