'senior architect' or 'principal architect' means a lot in technical track.
A director title without anyone reporting to you (only one contractor) does not mean anything.
'senior architect' or 'principal architect' means a lot in technical track.
A director title without anyone reporting to you (only one contractor) does not mean anything.
director is managemen track, it's rare 技術和管理兼有 in states
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06/23/2021 postreply
你說的也是我擔心的. 有的director 是有真本事, 有的director很水。Title 含金量不一樣。
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06/23/2021 postreply
“有的director” 跟你有關係嗎?你自己定位跟別人的含金量有什麽關係?
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06/27/2021 postreply
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06/27/2021 postreply
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