My daughter was hit by a car almost two years ago. Her leg was broken and went through serious surgery. The bill for the surgery was more than $50k, not mention other follow up treatments and expenses.
We hired an attorney two years ago to handle that. Now the attorney said the guy who hit my daughter doesn't have any asset and doesn't have good income. His insurance only can pay $50k. The attorney pushed us to accept the $50k settlement.
We can't accept it and asked the attorney to file a lawsuit. But the attorney didn't want to do that since he thinks there is no chance to get money. The attorney just keeps ignoring us and simply did nothing.
The case is almost two years, if we don't take action, we will lose the chance to sue the guy.
Any advices? Can the attorney just ignore our requests?
And at this point, no other attorney is willing to take the case.
Any ideas, advices are greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
車禍 help please!
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08/19/2009 postreply
thank you....
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08/19/2009 postreply
肇事者是幹什麽的? 是真沒錢還是把錢轉移了?
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08/19/2009 postreply
回複:肇事者是幹什麽的? 是真沒錢還是把錢轉移了?
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08/19/2009 postreply
I think you should take the 50K first
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08/19/2009 postreply
if we take the $50k,that means we are willing
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08/20/2009 postreply
在這個論壇看到有很多人說他們出車禍後保險coverage 用完了
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08/20/2009 postreply
good advice,thanks so much. I will update
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08/20/2009 postreply
can you get some payment from your own insurance co?
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08/21/2009 postreply