我於2007年8月份在拉斯維加斯遇到一起車禍。我在公路上左轉準備進入一個加油站時(不在路口),被一輛在對麵車道上行駛的車撞到車的右後部。對方的車損失較重,氣囊打開了。對方的車上隻有一位女士,當時並沒有看出受傷。沒有叫救護車。警察勘察過現場後,認定責任全部在我 (unsafe turning movement. Failed to yield right of way. Turning left into private driveway resulting in collision.)。事故發生後,對方聲明受傷嚴重。我的保險公司同意賠償我的保險限額,但是對方要求的比我的限額高。發生車禍時,我駕駛的是租的車(Alamo)。根據內華達的法律,當租車人自身的保險額度不夠賠償車禍損失時,租車公司有義務賠償多出的部分。但現在租車公司拒絕賠償,因為它認為對方在車禍中也有過錯。我的保險公司今天給我發了一封信,通知我對方的律師將告租車公司和我。 我附上保險公司的信。
We are currently handling the claim presented against you for damages sustained in the incident on August 1, 2007. We wish to advise you that a lawsuit may soon be filed against you.
Please notify us immediately if you receive a lawsuit. If a response to the lawsuit is not filed on your behalf within a limited period of time, a judgment many be rendered against you. You quick response will allow us to retain an attorney to represent you.
We have offered your policy limit of $15,000. The attorney of Ms…. has accepted the policy limits but will not sign the release because Alamo is listed on it. Per Neveda Law Alamo Rental Car has to pay up to $15,000 in injury coverage if the renter’s insurance is not enough to pay the entire claim. Alamo is currently denying payment because they feel that Ms…. is partially at fault for the accident. Progressive is not in agreement with this stance. The attorney for Ms…. doesn’t have any other option but to file a lawsuit against you and Alamo. They are trying to get Alamo to pay their portion of the claim. Should Alamo continue to deny payment and the lawsuit is filed, you will be served with the lawsuit. It is important that you call Progressive immediately. We will hire a defense firm to represent you. Again the issue is Alamo’s unwillingness to pay on this claim. We will do everything in our power to protect your interests.
Thank you in advance for your attention to this important matter. If you have any questions, please contact us.
1. 如果Alamo拒絕賠償,是不是我必須賠償對方超過保險額度的損失?
2. 即使Alamo賠償,對方如果要價高過Alamo的額度,我是不是還是有義務要賠償超出的部分?
3. 我需要雇一個自己的律師嗎?還是全權委托我的保險公司(progressive)呢?
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01/31/2009 postreply
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01/31/2009 postreply