半保,全保不是嚴格的說法,區別在你買了多少選項,強製性的基本保險就是Liability inusrance,

本帖於 2016-03-10 11:35:00 時間, 由普通用戶 水中撈月 編輯

你貼的那個保單實際上已超出Liability coverage的範圍了,已經加了那個DMV所說的選項medical expense coverage, 盡管你把它稱為“半保”. 其實你開始的問題是:如果自己過錯,你確定Liability Insurance不付自己的醫療賬單?


Liability Coverage and California Law

Liability coverage helps pay for injuries or damage to others when you are responsible.

Minimum Liability Coverage

By law, the limits below are the minimum insurance limits for a standard auto policy. You must have this much coverage.

Minimum Bodily Injury Liability Limits

  • $15,000 for the death or injury of any one person. If one person is injured in the accident, your coverage pays up to $15,000.
  • A total of $30,000 for the death or injury of more than one person in any one accident. If 2 or more people are injured, the coverage pays up to $30,000. The coverage will not pay more. The injured people share the money.
  • This coverage applies to injuries that you cause to someone else.

Minimum Property Damage Liability Limits

  • $5,000 for damage to the property of other people.
  • This pays for damage you cause to someone else's car, or to objects and structures that your car hits.

You must buy liability coverage.

Other Kinds of Coverage
These are other common types of coverage. You may not need all of them.
Medical Payments Coverage
This covers the cost of medical expenses if you or your passengers are injured. This coverage can pay for immediate medical care, no matter who is at fault.



由此看來,加州的強製保險也就是Liability coverage,你貼的那個保單明顯是多了一個選項,即加了保自己醫療費用險的額外coverage。

好,現在再來想你最開始的問題:如果自己過錯,你確定Liability Insurance不付自己的醫療賬單?


