
今天接到對方保險公司的傳真,請各位給看看是個什麽,對方說我侄女的車是93% loss,這個傳真是對方保險公司Total Loss Department 傳真過來的。對方保險公司說如果我侄女keep這部車,因為50%:50%,就是這個數。我們不明白幾點:

1) 這是說對方要給我們一張$2547.73的支票嗎?還是最高給付額。
2) 裏麵沒說任何租車費用,和汽車修理的事,好像是在talking about 我侄女的車現在值多少錢,可是我們不是在買賣車輛啊。
3) 還有對方保險公司怎麽決定的actual cash value 是$5897.00
4) 有什麽附帶條件嗎,比如我們必須agree 雙方都有責任,我們應負擔50%。或者說這隻是對方保險公司的decision,與我們agree與否無關。
5) 如果不agree, 是否仍然可以拿到這麽多錢,然後到small claim court 去sue 對方司機。

Registered owner: Year:
Claim Number: Make/Model:
Settlement Amount:$$ Vin:
Date of Loss: Mileage:

Enclosed you will find the evaluation report concerning the actual cash value of your vehicle. As per California insurance code regulations the following information explaining the claim settlement and your vehicle’s value is being provided.

These figures are for owner retained salvage
The actual cash value has been determined by:
CCC analysis valuation report#:43031495

Actual cash value: 5897.00
Sales tax: 9.75% 574.96
DMV transfer fees 15.00
Salvage certificate (if applicable 17.00
Less salvage (if applicable): 455.28
Less sales tax 9.75% 44.39
Gross settlement 6004.29
Other deductions: 3002.15
Net total loss settlement to vehicle owner: 3002.15

The company will discontinue to paying for your rental car on: na
