銅金屬或帶低劑量 progestin的避孕環目前都未發現與增加乳癌有關,反而帶低劑量 progestin的避孕環可能會降低子宮內膜癌的風險.如果你有疑問,請告知和谘詢自己的腫瘤醫生有關你目前使用避孕環的情況.病人詳細的病史和用藥記錄對醫生來說是非常寶貴的資料.更能完整地了解病人和避免治療用藥禁忌.也是病人自己最好的保護自己的方法.
Mirena IUD的例子:
FDA Conclusion
A comprehensive investigation by the Food and Drug Administration found that it is unlikely that the Mirena IUD could increase a person's cancer risk. It does not contain any drugs, hormones or compounds known to contribute to the formation or growth of cancerous cells. On the other hand, birth control methods containing estrogen have been theoretically implicated as a potential contributing factor to some cancers.
Reasons for Low Risk
The Mirena IUD contains very low levels of reproductive hormones, because it sits directly inside the uterus, where miniscule amounts of progestin perform the same functional effect as a systemic birth control pill. It does not contain any estrogen and fairly low amounts are absorbed into the bloodstream. There are no known or suspected carcinogens in the other materials found inside a Mirena IUD, so it is very unlikely that it could cause cancer.
Cancer-Preventing Benefits?
A review by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, or IARC, suggested that birth control containing only progestin may decrease the risk of endometrial cancer-- a form of cancerous growth occurring in the lining of the uterus. In theory, it could also decrease the risk of ovarian or uterine cancers, but more studies need to take place to confirm these results.