The invasive carcinoma shows poor tubule formation.marked nuclear pleomorphism and abundant mitotic figures. Focal squamous meta plasma is suspected. There is no significant ducal carcinoma in - sltu.right 11 o' clock mass.
• 回複:請麻煩幫我看一下我的乳腺癌檢查的報告 -回家路- ♂ (142 bytes) () 05/09/2013 postreply 13:11:33
• 回複:請麻煩幫我看一下我的乳腺癌檢查的報告 -周遊列國逍遙人生- ♂ (204 bytes) () 05/09/2013 postreply 13:46:18
• 回複:回複:請麻煩幫我看一下我的乳腺癌檢查的報告 -想念遠方親人- ♀ (44 bytes) () 05/09/2013 postreply 15:41:08
• 最好是去看surgical oncologist. 跟據報告決定先手術還是先化療。her 2( )的話,有時會先做化療。 -betadine- ♀ (0 bytes) () 05/09/2013 postreply 20:56:54
• 回複:請麻煩幫我看一下我的乳腺癌檢查的報告 -5678910- ♀ (373 bytes) () 05/09/2013 postreply 15:13:42