The first of three prospective studies for head and neck cancer had mixed results: PSK reduced the immune inhibition by radiation (as measured by PHA skin reaction and absolute number of T-lymphocytes in peripheral blood), but had no effect on the transformation of lymphocytes60. The second study of gastric cancer patients and healthy volunteers found that tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin-8 gene expression were significantly induced in five of 12 volunteers and four of nine cancer patients61. The third prospective controlled trial reported that PSK reduced the decline in leukocytes and platelets associated with chemotherapy, but not as much as another immune stimulator, Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF). PSK and G-CSF combined were associated with actual recovery of these blood counts; however, measures of statistical significance were not reported63.
上麵這段話,是說雲芝psk在放療中的作用,但是我沒看懂第一段話,reduce the immune inhibition到底是好還是不好。好像是不好是嗎?請英文比較牛的來看看理解一下。謝謝。