麩質過敏症(Celiac Disease)與麵筋蛋白敏感性的區別

麩質過敏症(Celiac Disease), 也叫脂瀉病又稱乳糜瀉,由於麵筋,一種膳食蛋白質的毒性作用導致小腸絨毛損壞的一種自身免疫性疾病反複幹擾人體的正常吸收,在臨床,血清學和組織學表現出的一類腹腔疾病體內可以檢出血清抗體它與Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity的區別請看這個視頻:


Transcript: Difference Between Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity

Hello, I'm Dr. Dan Neumann for About.com here to help you understand the similarities and differences between celiac disease and gluten sensitivity.  

Celiac Disease

Celiac is an autoimmune disease in which the toxic effects of gluten, a dietary protein, causes damage to the lining of the small intestine.  It is this recurring insult to the body’s normal absorptive mechanism that leads to the clinical, serologic and histologic manifestations of celiac disease.   

Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity

On the other hand, non-celiac gluten sensitivity is a relatively recent term used to describe those individuals who cannot tolerate dietary gluten and may experience symptoms similar to those with celiac disease.

The difference, people with non-celiac gluten sensitivity lack the positive blood antibodies and the confirmatory intestinal histology seen in celiac disease even though the symptoms of diarrhea, weight loss, headaches and others still exist.  Gluten sensitivity affects nearly six percent of the population and unlike celiac disease, does not appear to be genetically based.  

There is currently no laboratory or histologic testing available to diagnose non-celiac gluten sensitivity, leaving this condition primarily a diagnosis of exclusion. Now, aside from traditional testing, we know that the onset of clinical symptoms may help differentiate people with celiac disease from those with a gluten sensitivity.  

Recognizing Gluten Sensitivity

In general, gluten sensitivity patients typically have a more acute onset of symptoms ranging from hours to days whereas celiac patients often report suffering for weeks to years.  One thing we do know however, both celiac patients and those who have gluten sensitivity respond quite well to the same treatment – the complete removal of gluten from the diet. 

If you or someone you know has been experiencing symptoms suggestive of gluten intolerance, you should discuss with your physician whether testing or a gluten-free diet trial may be appropriate.  I hope this has provided you with a better understanding of how we differentiate non-celiac gluten sensitivity from true celiac disease.  Again, I’m gastroenterologist Dr. Dan Neumann and for more information on these topics and others, visit us on the web at health.about.com


Genetically Modified Wheat - Reason Gluten Issues Are Increasing?

Can an increase in celiac disease be attributed to an increase in the gluten content of wheat as a consequence of wheat breeding?


Western Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 800 Buchanan Street, Albany, CA 94710, USA.


In response to the suggestion that an increase in the incidence of celiac disease might be attributable to an increase in the gluten content of wheat resulting from wheat breeding, a survey of data from the 20th and 21st centuries for the United States was carried out. The results do not support the likelihood that wheat breeding has increased the protein content (proportional to gluten content) of wheat in the United States. Possible roles for changes in the per capita consumption of wheat flour and the use of vital gluten as a food additive are discussed.

Kasarda DD. Can an increase in celiac disease be attributed to an increase in the gluten content of wheat as a consequence of wheat breeding?. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2013 Feb 13;61(6):1155-9. doi: 10.1021/jf305122s. Epub 2013 Jan 31.



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