"Speak Softly Love (Love Theme from The Godfather)" is a song written for The Godfather (1972), the first film in The Godfather trilogy. While its instrumental version is simply known as "The Godfather Love Theme", "Speak Softly Love" is the vocal version.
The song was originally recorded by Andy Williams, other artists, such as Al Martino, Eric Clapton and Bobby Vinton, have also recorded the song
葉公子高好龍,鉤以寫龍,鑿以寫龍,屋室雕文以寫龍。於是天龍 聞而下之,窺頭於牖,施尾於堂。 葉公見之,棄而還走,失其魂魄,五色無主。是葉公非好龍也,好夫似龍而非龍者也。