
本帖於 2023-04-25 23:35:52 時間, 由普通用戶 匿名3333 編輯

If you don't like the post, please don't read it. I am not responsible for your OCD.

五年前的同一個時間段,在白菜房專欄裏貼出來一個求助帖,關於黑區破產房購買後的租賃問題。一位好心的懂行網友給了一個建議,沒幾個月那房子就租給了Section 8, 租客是非裔的單親母親,交租總是非常準時省心,完全打消了我以前的顧慮。關鍵是,家裏什麽東西壞了,她一般拿個商店的收據來報銷,勞務都由周圍的黑哥奉獻了。當然了我也修繕了大件,比如去年換了屋頂花了六千多。馬上去申請,房租可以漲到$1200了。很感謝那位網友給我提了那麽好的建議,我這人一般比較聽勸,我是說那種專業的好心人士。

就比如最近的流浪漢問題,我所有的舉動和今天某個知名律所的前台小姐的建議是吻合的。她很好奇我這樣的事情為什麽不去找市政解決,我和她解釋我們都找過了,她又問是不是時間不夠久,市政還沒來得及反應。我說鄰居找市政已經很久了,真的沒有解決,也沒有解決的希望。而且我聽去我的地上探訪的警察建議,對於這種不能揪住很明顯的刑事問題的人的trespass, 找民事法庭是解決唯一的可能性。他可以賴掉包括政府罰款在內的諸多罰款,唯獨法院的罰款他不敢賴掉。其實我心裏還有個小九九,就是那個幫助流浪漢Mike的女人Dawn。我希望如果有訴訟的話,盡量在Dawn接手這塊地之前。

來談談為什麽我做的和律所前台所說的吻合,因為,我所有的舉動,都是嚴格遵從了ARAG 在線律師的建議。三月下旬的那天我意識到了問題,就去問Bing Chat,我該賣地麽?小機器人說,別賣呀,應該有更好的解決辦法,你先問問律師?想起來先生加入了公司ARAG的保險,第二天我就聯係到了在線律師。所以,所有在帖子裏攻擊我什麽斯德哥爾摩的,或者是我不夠仁慈的,甚至說我的事情來源於想象的,讓我無語的同時,也讓我體會到,作為一個普通人,專業的做法可能反而會遭到攻擊,因為普通人的經曆是有限的,人們總是去追求認知範圍內熟悉的東西,對不熟悉的東西和表達這些知識的人都產生一種本能的敵意。到現在為止,我所得到的從正規渠道來的信息比如警察和律師,都是告訴我要耐心,不能做違法的事情,無論對方的行為有多麽地過激。不過,我並沒有完全聽從機器人的建議,在所有可能的情況下,我都是盡量配合對麵鄰居賣地的。然而到現在,我隱隱感覺,他們退縮了。

另一個退縮的人就是流浪漢Mike, 晚上對麵鄰居的女友Sarah向我匯報,“Looks like a car is slowly being moved.”她然後附加了一張圖片。這是什麽意思?我習慣於麥克的說謊,因為,講真,兩年的時間,他沒有做過任何一件他許諾要做的事情。我在鄰居群裏連發了兩封短信 1.“Did you see the wooden stick? I can't see it.”2. "There's a wooden stick, which is the corner of both Michelle and my lot. It should be around the areas where the blue car stops." 接著,我收到了麥克的短信 “Hi (my name), The blue car is going out tonight and the white van tomorrow or early Thursday morning. i have to move both ro the road by hand then The tow truck gets them. I will send pictures. I have also cleared access on the easement so i can continue to clear my property. Have a good evening, Dawn my friend tou met says hello.”這簡直是太陽打西邊出來了。於是我給鄰居群發了第三個短信,“Mike just sent me a message claiming he will move the blue car tonight. I think it's real this time.”鄰居回複道“The stick is there. It's been knocked around but it's there.”我又問,“Is the blue car out?”"No." 我轉發了麥克給我的短信。鄰居回複,"White van and blue car still there." "He said he would push it to the road. I don't know how much we can trust him though." "He's using trees and a compelling to pull the blue car forward." "Cool."

我給先生打了電話,那邊急忙叮囑我其它的車和重物也得搬走,因為上周六看到的景象的確讓他震驚。這個世界上有人天生享有天真的權力,毫無疑問,我從十歲起就不再享受這種權力了。不過我還是照著他的囑咐又給麥克發了個短信,在要挾把麥克的“寶貝“拖走之後。 "Hi Mike, First of all, thank you for taking action! Last Saturday, I went to the land. I saw other cars and big items inside my property. I can't remove them either. As you promised, you would remove all the items inside my property, I would like a more detailed plan for you to do it." 這是我們今天的最後一個對話。

昨天下午,我收到ARAG的來信說聯係好了一個律師,於是我去電話,又發了封郵件, 話說關於土地紛爭的官司是全額保險的。

I am here to contact you about my secondary home property line issues. It is a vacant land located at (the address). We are going to be the plaintiff and our neighbor Mike will be the defendant. His abbreviated legal/physical address is (his address). Our property ID is (our ID). His property ID is (his ID). He built a shelter, which was unpermitted by the city planning office. He dumped many broken cars, boats, and junks around the area. Some junk, including one white van and one blue car, was obviously dumped on my property. He lived in the structure for less than three years. On (the date), we hired a company to do the survey for us. We figured out a trail he walked out of his undeveloped property was not the easement road. It is inside my property, which means he always trespasses on my property if he needs to go out. We will attach a photo of the structure (shelter) where he lives. I went to the city land planning office several times. I also contacted the city health department since the structure has no sewer inside. They said his trespass was none of their business. Almost all neighbors, including me, called the police. Last Monday I called the police for his cutting trees and building a teepee on our property, even after he obviously knew the property line (I warned him and he promised to take his garbage away on the day of our surveying). My neighbor opposite the street saw him doing it. But the policemen were bored of him and reluctant to write a crime report. One policeman told me he was arrested two weeks ago (since last Tuesday) due to escape from the police and got bailed out. He suggested that a civil suitcase is the only solution to evict him from our land.
    Mike and I gave each other our contact information when I met him on his land last Tuesday morning. He sent me two messages claiming he agreed the junk inside my property belonged to him. One of my neighbors places a secret camera around our land and caught him trespassing. Another neighbor's girlfriend witnessed him cutting trees from my property and building a teepee on my property when she passed by on Monday morning from the street. So, I think we have enough evidence to present in court about his occupying my land and causing damage to my land.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to clarify.


接著我給做Survey的公司打了個電話,那邊向我解釋了標識在地圖上的一個類似三角形的是被侵占的fixture, 也就是我先生說的,其它的車輛和重物。因為那些重物攢在一起像一個巨大的地基,是不可能被輕易挪動的,所以我們公認為fixture, 並且把它們標識在地圖上。無意間我談起了找律師的問題,和我說話的男員工很熱情地想給我介紹律師,並且把他認為的律師不願意接這個案例的原因告訴了我。不過放下電話後,他就出去幹活了。這頭我等了兩小時,突然間就想起了一個主意,為什麽我不能自己去找律師,讓那位律師和ARAG簽訂合同呢?於是我還是搜索,找到了前文提到的從2001年到今年為止都被評定為優秀律所的地方,似乎裏麵的頭頭是哈佛法學院畢業的。前台的小姐很專業也很熱情,我這次學精了,故意說麥克不過是個頂多夠得上民事上違法,卻難定刑事罪的人,我也沒給她發麥克居所的照片。然而我越是回避,前台越是好奇,問我,至少他的居所有屋頂吧?我說沒有,就是那種用布罩住的。那位女士來了句, "interesting.”然後她就連珠炮地問我市政為什麽不管這事?我實在是不想把事情擴大到超出trespass的範疇,但是那麵又是打破砂鍋問到底,就好像覺得這事怎麽那麽奇葩呢?一定是鄰居們投訴的時間不夠,政府還沒來得及出麵管。我就告訴她說,真的,政府部門的人告訴我說很早以前我的鄰居就投訴了,他們真的無能為力了。再者警察叔叔對於他砍了幾棵樹的問責,實在是難以界定損失是否超過了750美刀,確實,隻能走民事訴訟這條路了。最終,前台讓我給她發Survey的地圖,說明天下午告知,律師是否願意接這個案例。


It's the second to the last post about homeless guy issues. I will post an ending when everything is settled down, even if it is several years later. It's difficult, but I think it is better than some homeless in California. If a homeless stay on an easement road in front of someone's home and the government agents refuse to act, they would literally stay there for years. As I replied in this post, if I don't get rid of the fixture and junk homeless dumped on my property, I will be accountable for fines. Government can not solve the issue caused by the homeless. But the government is strong enough to hurt middle-class and working-class families by fining us. As a landowner, you should take care of your land. Otherwise, you are against the law.




政府明確地說他在我地上建的違章建築需要我付罰款,直到拆除為止。 -匿名3333- 給 匿名3333 發送悄悄話 (138 bytes) () 04/25/2023 postreply 22:09:17

為富不仁?流浪漢在她地上出事沒準還告她呢。知道你有錢,你要仁慈,你幹脆把樓主的地買下來送給流浪漢吧 -Girlsmom92- 給 Girlsmom92 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/26/2023 postreply 07:05:42

流水賬太長了,還連載,準備寫長篇小說啊。最好言簡意賅摘要一下。 -牆角數枝梅- 給 牆角數枝梅 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/25/2023 postreply 22:54:10

本來就有那麽麻煩,您可以選擇不看。或者隻看抬頭。 -匿名3333- 給 匿名3333 發送悄悄話 (85 bytes) () 04/25/2023 postreply 22:58:51

繼續寫!這也是TF的酸甜苦辣鹹啊! -xunde- 給 xunde 發送悄悄話 xunde 的博客首頁 (48 bytes) () 04/25/2023 postreply 23:36:33

最可惡的就是假聖母站在道德製高點亂點江山。堅持到底! -Sherryshen- 給 Sherryshen 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/26/2023 postreply 00:07:01

+1 -又當爹來又當媽- 給 又當爹來又當媽 發送悄悄話 又當爹來又當媽 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/26/2023 postreply 03:53:06

支持樓主, -又當爹來又當媽- 給 又當爹來又當媽 發送悄悄話 又當爹來又當媽 的博客首頁 (30 bytes) () 04/26/2023 postreply 03:52:55

我看著”他可以賴掉包括政府罰款在內的諸多罰款,唯獨法院的罰款他不敢賴掉“這句話好像有問題。 -守月- 給 守月 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/26/2023 postreply 05:27:20

These days in US, Walls become a must -越王劍- 給 越王劍 發送悄悄話 越王劍 的博客首頁 (103 bytes) () 04/26/2023 postreply 05:38:36

看到寫那麽多就沒讀。給個薩默瑞? -桃花好運- 給 桃花好運 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/26/2023 postreply 06:48:43

謝謝雨妹妹。。。 -桃花好運- 給 桃花好運 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/26/2023 postreply 07:39:50

這麽回事。不用戴老花鏡細讀了。著名劇作家翁偶虹能把200字的小故事演繹為兩個多小時的不朽名劇《鎖麟囊》。 -QinHwang- 給 QinHwang 發送悄悄話 QinHwang 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/26/2023 postreply 09:22:18

文筆好,人心好 -圓老扁- 給 圓老扁 發送悄悄話 圓老扁 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/26/2023 postreply 17:24:28
