I want to send my best wishes to everyone in Britain, China
andaround the world celebrating Chinese New Year.
From the fairs in Beijing, to the fireworks in Hong Kong and
theparades here in London, families and communities will come
together and look tothe year ahead – the Year of the Rooster.
Meanwhile, as permanent members of the UN Security Council,
ourcountries are working together on the most pressing global
This year also marks some important anniversaries: 20 years
sincethe handover of Hong Kong to China; and 45 years of
ambassadorial relationsbetween our countries.
I want us to take this chance to build on all the ties we share –
inbusiness, diplomacy, education, tourism and culture – as we forge
a new rolefor Britain, as the most outward-looking, free-trading
nation in the world.
Indeed, I look forward to making another visit to China,
followingmy trip to Hangzhou last year, which was my first visit
outside Europe as PrimeMinister and my first meeting with President
And it is an auspicious time. The Rooster – the Fire Rooster
–represents so many of the characteristics we need to employ in
that endeavour:openness, confidence, hard work and leadership.
These aren’t alien concepts to any of us.
Indeed, they are characteristics demonstrated day in, day out by
the British Chinese community.
For this is a community that makes an enormous contribution to
oursociety – proving that the strength and success of this country
rests ondedication, diversity and a deep spirit of citizenship
among our people.
I want to send my best wishes to everyone in Britain, China
andaround the world celebrating Chinese New Year.
From the fairs in Beijing, to the fireworks in Hong Kong and
theparades here in London, families and communities will come
together and look tothe year ahead – the Year of the Rooster.
Meanwhile, as permanent members of the UN Security Council,
ourcountries are working together on the most pressing global
This year also marks some important anniversaries: 20 years
sincethe handover of Hong Kong to China; and 45 years of
ambassadorial relationsbetween our countries.
I want us to take this chance to build on all the ties we share –
inbusiness, diplomacy, education, tourism and culture – as we forge
a new rolefor Britain, as the most outward-looking, free-trading
nation in the world.
Indeed, I look forward to making another visit to China,
followingmy trip to Hangzhou last year, which was my first visit
outside Europe as PrimeMinister and my first meeting with President
And it is an auspicious time. The Rooster – the Fire Rooster
–represents so many of the characteristics we need to employ in
that endeavour:openness, confidence, hard work and leadership.
These aren’t alien concepts to any of us.
Indeed, they are characteristics demonstrated day in, day out by
the British Chinese community.
For this is a community that makes an enormous contribution to
oursociety – proving that the strength and success of this country
rests ondedication, diversity and a deep spirit of citizenship
among our people.