something horrible happened
(2007-03-25 18:29:38)
wut a chaos....
girl, do cherish urself, do understand ur parents....don harm the people who really care u
boy, please, take ur responsibility, be careful, be considerate before doin sth serious
honey milk, calmin down....thats something really none of my business but I do feel the pain : (
girls should not be hurted like this...she should not bear this...she even doesnt know, clearly, wut's happening...
may because of past bad experience, am really threatened about wut was happening, or wut is horrified, doki doki ing...
dat thing is not bad, for married or adults...but, sigh...u really should be is not the time to take da responsibility...u are too young.
love, is something legitimize sex...but should not work this heavy burden, it is.