(2006-12-09 09:04:17)
最近頭發真是越來越好啦~*^^* 開心1個,據說說明EQ越來越高了~更加開心1個!
came across somethin written by Haruki Murakami...." that alone can give anyone pause for thought and leave them with a strange, unsettled feeling." Hey, man, you really got it!!!that is actually how I feel after reading ur pieces of work!
cool.............................really enjoy readin his stuff....I think, thats because he knows how only-child feels, deeeeeeeeeeeeply inside feelings...................thats pretty cool
I have to say am not a typical only-child. I havent got that much "cosher" when I was little. I grew up on my own. Thats wut am proud of....20 years I have been spending buildin up my own never-land....thats pretty cool.........
i decide to be a cat-like lady...hu hu.~~~partially, am is!