
ad hoc & p2p

(2005-02-16 12:12:06) 下一個

3.TITLE: Comparison of ad hoc (mobile) peer-to-peer /overlay systems

Peer-to-peer and overlay systems are able and have been developed to run over ad hoc networks.

TARGET: Compare different ad hoc peer-to-peer/overlay systems. How do the various MANET specific problems (scarce energy resources, routing, security, performance etc.) affect peer-to-peer/overlay systems? Can these systems alleviate MANET specific problems? What are the benefits and drawbacks? Major problems? Potential solutions?

REQUIRES: Relatively recent study items that require more thorough data-mining and leave room for original thinking. This topic is suitable for postgraduates


  • Mobile ad hoc networks (manet) charter, 2004. available in URL http://www.ietf.org/.
  • S. Corson and J. Macker. Mobile ad hoc networking (manet): Routing protocol performance issues and evaluation considerations. RFC 2501, January 1999. IETF MANET Working Group.
  • A. V. J. Carbunar, B.; Grama. Distributed and dynamic voronoi overlays for coverage detection and distributed hash tables in ad-hoc networks. In Parallel and Distributed Systems, pages 549 - 556. ICPADS, July 2004.
  • S. M. D. Y. Charlie Hu and H. Pucha. Exploiting the synergy between peer-to-peer and mobile ad hoc networks. HotOS:The 9th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, May 2003.
  • C. W. O. Klemm, A.; Lindemann. A specialpurpose peer-to-peer file sharing system for mobile ad hoc networks. In Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC 2003, volume 4, pages 2758 - 2763. IEEE, October 2003.
  • On the performance and policies of mobile peer-to-peer network protocols Tianhao Qiu; Nikolaidis, I.; Communication Networks and Services Research, 2004. Proceedings. Second Annual Conference on , 19-21 May 2004 Pages:208 - 217
  • Peer-to-peer over ad-hoc networks: (re)configuration algorithms Franciscani, F.P.; Vasconcelos, M.A.; Couto, R.P.; Loureiro, A.A.F.; Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2003. Proceedings. International , 22-26 April 2003 Pages:10 pp.

4.TITLE: Comparison of peer-to-peer /overlay systems in heterogeneous networks

It is probable that as time passes the diversity of networking solutions and technologies will continue to increase.

TARGET: Compare peer-to-peer systems in heterogeneous networks (home, ad hoc, cellular, Intranet, Internet). How do the algorithms scale in these environments (in terms of performance)? What are the benefits and drawbacks? Major problems? Potential solutions?

REQUIRES: Relatively recent study items that require more thorough data-mining and leave room for original thinking. This topic is suitable for postgraduates


  • A. Harwood and M. Truong. Multi-space distributed hash tables for multiple transport domains. In IEEE Proc. International Conference on Networks, pages 283?287, 2003.
  • S. Ratnasamy, I. Stoica, and S. Shenker. Routing algorithms for DHTs: Some open questions. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2429:45???, 2002.
  • Bryan Ford, "Unmanaged Internet Protocol, Taming the Edge Network Management Crisis".
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