

Surviving High School - 10th grade

(2015-04-20 11:29:42) 下一個

This is purely my personal opinion.  The motivation is purely to help my dance kids to exceed in their high school years.

Remember that I am your friend and I will support you in every step that you are taking.

10th grade:

You have got familiar with your school.  Now you need to concentrate on furthering yourself.

1.  Think about your future

Ask yourself questions and figure out who you are and where you want to go.  Search online for career ideas.  Talk to your parents and teachers for their suggestions.

2.  Taking Challenging Courses

Take advanced courses.  Selective colleges look at your grades, but they also pay attention to how tough your courses are – they want to see that you have challenged yourself.  You are competing with ambitious students who are taking AP or IB classes for getting into the best schools in the nation.

You should also take foreign language class.  Most colleges require foreign language study in your transcript. 

3.   Study for standard tests

You need to do some research on colleges that you might consider.  You should know what SAT test that these schools require.  Buy a good preparation book as a study tool. For example, if you need to take Chemistry Subject Test (SAT II), a good prep book usually provide good example test sets and chapter summary.  If you use the book to review the chapter summary and practice the test problems when you take a chemistry class, you can benefit from studying the prep book to get good grade in the midterms and finals, and also you can save preparation time for the SAT II test because you should plan to take the test right after you finish the coursework when the knowledge is very fresh. 

You should take PSAT in 10th grade to gain knowledge of the test style and contents.  In your junior year, your PSAT scores will be considered for the National Merit Scholarship competition.

4. Your Leadership

You should pursue leadership position in one organization in your school.  It is requirement to become a member of National Honor Society (NHS) which is the nation’s premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students.


5. Know your own strength and weakness

You need to recognize the areas to be improved and keep up good progress in your strong areas.


6. Get to know your school college counselors

The best way to know your school college counselors in to set an appointment with them to discuss your college plan.  Get their advice on college application progress, STEM program,  and community service activities.

7. Pursue research opportunity
Here is APL STEM program website


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