
哈工大Niubility講師獲選人被人肉出來啦 (圖)

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王文壽是哈爾濱工業大學材料學院博士生,博士課題主要從事空心微納米結構方麵的研究,通過自己的不懈努力,在國際知名的《The Journal of Physical Chemistry B/C》、《Crystal Growth & Design》、《ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces》等刊物上發表SCI論文17篇,累計影響因子達到40,累計SCI他引次數30次。影響因子大於4.0文章3篇,影響因子大於3.0文章3篇,單篇最高SCI他引18次。

Room temperature synthesis, growth mechanism, photocatalytic and photoluminescence properties of cadmium molybdate core-shell microspheres
Wang, W.-S., Zhen, L., Xu, C.-Y., Shao, W.-Z. 2009 Crystal Growth and Design 9 (3), pp. 1558-1568 7

Aqueous solution synthesis of Cd(OH)2 hollow microspheres via ostwald ripening and their conversion to CdO hollow microspheres
Wang, W.-S., Zhen, L., Xu, C.-Y., Shao, W.-Z. 2008 Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 (37), pp. 14360-14366 7

Room temperature synthesis of hierarchical SrCO3 architectures by a surfactant-free aqueous solution route
Wang, W.-S., Zhen, L., Xu, C.-Y., Yang, L., Shao, W.-Z. 2008 Crystal Growth and Design 8 (5), pp. 1734-1740 7

room temperature synthesis of hollow CdMoO4 microspheres by a surfactant-free aqueous solution route
Wang, W.-S., Zhen, L., Xu, C.-Y., Zhang, B.-Y., Shao, W.-Z. 2006 Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 (46), pp. 23154-23158 29

Large-scale synthesis of SrCrO4 nanowires and PbCrC44 nanorods by a solution-phase method at room temperature
Wang, W.-S., Xu, C.-Y., Zhen, L., Yang, L., Shao, W.-Z. 2006 Chemistry Letters 35 (3), pp. 268-269

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