
收獲了一種恬靜的生活, 像一條波瀾不驚的小河, 流過春夏 流過秋冬
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還原白求恩偉大而真實的一生 (1)

(2011-11-23 08:01:22) 下一個


1。為什麽中國人對白求恩那麽崇敬 (by 一位嫁給老外的中國女性) 


“這位朋友十分迷惑地問我:白求恩隻在中國住了18個月,怎麽他去世都60多年了,中國人還對他如此記憶猶新,崇敬無比?我向他解釋:中國有幾代人在小學時就要背老三篇,其中一篇就是《紀念白求恩》。連領袖都說他是“一個高尚的人,一個純粹的人,一個有道德的人……” ,再說,我們中國人很念舊,你對我一日好,我對你以終身情;..... 何況他對中國‘解放事業’確實有貢獻。

“我的朋友可能對。事實上,白求恩在加拿大不是名人,十有八九的加拿大人不知他是何許人也,即使知道他的人一半以上可能對他也不認同。我的丈夫便是其中的一個。於是連續幾年,我和丈夫路過白求恩小鎮時,他和我每每隻對看一眼,沒有人建議停一停。直到我的父母從中國來加,在兩位老人的要求下,我們決定為他們開上這條以白求恩Norman Bethune命名的公路出口,去拜訪這位在中國婦孺皆知的第一號加拿大名人。



2, Dr. Norman Bethune (1890-1939)   “中國的一大英雄不再是中國人”,這是加拿大聯邦政府官方網站介紹白求恩的第一句話 http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/cool/002027-2102-e.html
One of China's great heroes isn't Chinese at all -- he's Canadian! Norman Bethune was born in Gravenhurst, Ontario in 1890, a long way from northwestern China where he died from blood poisoning in 1939. After working as a stretcher bearer in the First World War until he was wounded at Ypres, France, Norman continued his medical studies at the University of Toronto. He then re-enlisted as a surgeon in the British navy, spending the last six months of the war as a medical officer with Canadian airmen in France. This was just the beginning of a long list of contributions that Norman made to helping mankind. He set up a free medical clinic for the poor in Montréal. He invented and refined many surgical instruments, some of which are still in use today.

During the Spanish Civil War in 1936, Norman pioneered mobile blood transfusion services to bring donated blood to those wounded in battle. Bethune left for China in 1938, when he learned that there were not enough trained doctors to take care of the people wounded in the war with Japan. Dr. Bethune began to train individuals in first aid, sanitary practices and simple surgical procedures. He established teaching and nursing hospitals and developed mobile medical services and led mobile units through the mountains on horseback. In October 1939, while operating without surgical gloves on a wounded soldier, Dr. Bethune accidentally cut his hand. He developed an infection that, without the needed penicillin, developed into blood poisoning. He died on November 12, 1939.

Mao Zedong, leader of the People's Republic of China from 1949 to 1976, wrote a tribute to Norman Bethune, an essay that all Chinese schoolchildren were required to read. There is a statue, pavilion, museum, school and hospital dedicated to him in China.

附錄: 2009年10月15日,加拿大聯邦政府宣布,為修繕安大略省Gravenhurst小鎮的白求恩紀念館撥款250萬元。國家公園管理局說,諾爾曼.白求恩(Norman Bethune1890—1939) 是加中人民友誼的象征,每年有很多中國遊客和華裔到白求恩紀念館參觀和緬懷這位偉人,撥款修繕這個紀念館很有必要。 目前白求恩紀念館由兩幢房屋組成,一幢為白求恩出生在那裏的二層樓房,邊上另一幢是由二層樓房式住宅改建的陳列室和辦公室。這次主要是解決放映廳問題,因為過去都是在院子裏的帳篷中播放白求恩生平影片的。

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閱讀 ()評論 (4)
唵啊吽 回複 悄悄話 “可我的朋友說,白求恩雖然了不起,但並不純粹。他好色酗酒,脾氣古怪,在西班牙被開除了回加拿大沒工作才到中國去的。他就一個加拿大普普通通的醫生”。

Africangrey 回複 悄悄話 There is a statue of him in Montreal , in a park that's frequented by homeless. Of note, very few people heard of Claire Chenault陳納德 in America , not even in his home state.
bo'smam 回複 悄悄話 白求恩在加拿大或是別的什麽國家或許是酗酒和脾氣古怪的,可是他在中國就是一個對工作負責,對病人關心,挽救了上百士兵生命的天使!
穿高跟鞋的貓 回複 悄悄話 I had lived in Toronto for over 12 years, but had not visited his house. However, I did find his graduation photo at Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronot.