本來他們在經濟學人記者的八張照片下的注釋是這樣的:James Miles,the journal reporter of The Economist, took the photographs in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet Country. ----明顯地稱西藏為“國家”。
今天他發表聲明的同時,把James Miles照片下的解說詞改成了:James Miles,One of few western journalists in Tibet, took the photographs of the recent eruptions of anti-Chinese violence in Lhasa. 把“Tibet Country”給去掉了,並且寫成了“anti-Chinese"。
有人說,沒有偏見的媒體就不叫媒體了。你說,世界上真有無偏見的媒體嗎?既然每個媒體都說自己無偏見很公正,那重要的就是,我們讀者自己要知道誰是偏左的媒體,誰是偏右的媒體,不要被媒體完全左右就好了。一個媒體到底公正不公正,那是讀者本人說了算。如果一個報道被太多的人質疑,那就要檢討一個媒體的公允和誠實了。你說,CNN, 你說你客觀,那你為什麽要去剪那一剪刀呢?你的偏見傾向太明顯了。你現在怎麽辯解也於事無補了,隻能越抹越黑,讓人覺得你不誠實。你還不如正視現實,說句對不起中國人民的話,那不是顯得你有風度,知錯能改,就是和大陸的媒體不一樣,那不更好嗎?就像當年台灣第一家庭貪瀆事發,要是民進黨高風亮節,毅然決然地與貪圖的第一家庭割裂,要他引咎辭職或把他拉下馬,那今天的台灣選舉一定就是另一個結局,台灣的前途也會是另一個結局。由於民進黨的護短和不能當機立斷,結果把自己的全黨命運給搭進去了。難道CNN也要執迷不悟,在中國和西藏的問題上,為了一張照片的“錯誤”一味護短,而把自己的誠信和市場一並搭進去?
CNN statement on Tibet coverage
(CNN) -- CNN has been singled out for criticism for our coverage of events in Tibet through an Web site and elsewhere. We have provided comprehensive coverage of all sides of this story, but two specific allegations relate to pro-Tibetan bias. We would like to take this chance to respond to them:Allegation 1: CNN intentionally cropped an image in order to remove Tibetan protesters throwing stones at Chinese trucks.
CNN refutes all allegations by bloggers that it distorts its coverage of the events in Tibet to portray either side in a more favorable light. We have consistently and repeatedly shown all sides of this story. The one image in question was used wholly appropriately in the specific editorial context and there could be no confusion regarding what it was showing, not least because it was captioned: "Tibetans throw stones at army vehicles on a street in the capital Lhasa." The picture gallery included in Tibet stories includes the image. (See the gallery)
We have also published images showing violence by Tibetans against the Chinese. A March 18 story shows Tibetan youths attacking a Chinese man. (Read the story)
Additionally, we have published video from the Chinese media apparently showing Tibetans attacking Chinese interests in Lhasa.
(Watch the video) »
Allegation 2: CNN referred to Tibet as a "country."
CNN's policy is to refer to Tibet as "Tibet Autonomous Region of China." In our dozens of stories on the topic to date, we are aware of only two instances where it was incorrectly referenced as a country.
CNN's reputation is based on reporting global news accurately and impartially, while our coverage through the use of words, images or video always reflects a wide range of opinions and points of view on every story.
其實,CNN聲明中所說的許多“全麵”報道,都是在訪問James Miles之後才作出的。無論CNN如何表白,隻要看看CNN在網上有關西藏問題的介紹,就知道他的預設立場了。,
Background On Tibet
Protests in Tibet have turned violent, with demonstrarors calling for an end to Chinese rule in the region. Click though to learn more about the history of the conflict. -----你看看,CNN是不是在作洗腦工作,其說教,有沒有片麵和誤導無知的美國人,有沒有讓年輕的一代跟著他們所闡述的觀點走。讀者自有分辯。
Despite calls for Tibetan indepandence, the United States considers the Autonomous Region and other Tibetan areas part of China. in 2007, the tibetan population in all of these areas combined was about 5.7million. China troops invaded Tibet in 1950. soon after the communist Party came to power in China. The Dalai Lama participated in peace talks with Chinese Leasders from 1954 to 1959, but these dialogues were unsuccessful. The talks ended after the 1959 uprising. when thounsands of Tibetans were forced into exile. in 1973 the Dalai Lama rejected the Chinese government's offer to allow his return to Tibet in return for an acceptance of Chinese rule. Since then, the Dlai Lama has tried on numerous occatons to negotiate with the Chinese, He wants Tibet to have full autonomy.很明顯,CNN把1950年以前,西藏就是”中華民國“國號下的一個區的事實給刪割了。CNN也不提達賴的封號就是”中華民國”主持的。他給人的明確印象就是,從1950中共侵略西藏之後,西藏才成了中國的一部分。這種截斷曆史達到誤導讀者的本領,真讓人感歎。CNN隻字不提曆史的西藏,沒有講從塞瑪王朝起,西藏就是元朝的一部分---連“喇嘛”這個詞,還是在元帝國的“感召"下,用蒙古語設立的。CNN也沒說,明永樂七年(1409年)藏傳佛教格魯派創始人宗咯巴就是明朝冊封的,他的第二代弟子的冊封和授號,都是在明帝國南京舉行的。CNN強調的字眼是“Chinese Troops Invades Tibet in1950”。那我問CNN,那1949年前,在藏區的國軍叫什麽,西藏和民國南京的關係又是什麽?再就是,1973年,達賴和中國政府本來講好了,文件就要簽署了,可達賴陣前反悔了---這可能就是中國政府不再相信達賴隔空喊話以及他做出的任何承諾。
The 1959 Uprising
Recent protests by Buddhist monks fell on the anniversary of the 1959 uprising. According to the Government of Tibet in Exile, the uprising began when the Chinese Army Command invited the Dalai Lama to a theatrical show on March 10, 1959, and told him he could not bring body guards. on that day, thousands of demonstrators surrounded the leader's palace to make sure he would not attend the show. During the next serveral days, Tibetans protested Chinese rule and demanded indepandence. Though the Dalai Lama tried to provent fighting between the Tibetans and the Chinese, violence erupted in the city of Lhasa. The Chinese army forced about 80,000 Tibetan refugees into exile at that time. The Dalai Lama left on March 17, 1959, to seek help in India.
March 2008 Protests
Hundreds of Monks began protesting on the 49th anniversary of the 1959 Tibetan uprising against Beijing Rule. Human Right groups and witnesses said protesters began to set fire to vehicles and shops in the capital of Lhasa on March 14. Tibetan exile groups said at leat 80 people died in the violence; China insisted security forces acted with restraint and killed no one. Chinese authorities sealed off three main monasteries and accused the exiled Dalai lama of provoking the unrest. Some witnesses said Tibetans were attacking ethnic Chinese residents. China's state-run Xinhua News Agency acknowledged March 20 that the anti-government riots in Tibet had spread to two Chinese provinces neighboring Tibet. The Dalai Lama said he had "no power to tell the movement to shut up".
----- 這段文字和上麵的一樣,本來是18號前寫好掛在網上的,當時幾乎完全按照藏獨的觀點陳述。現在CNN改版了,而且你看到,他們把March 20之後的內容也加進去了。現在的陳述是在3/23號改變的內容上又修改過的。內容是相對客觀了些,掩蓋了他們原來的原有偏狹觀點。
The Dalai Lama
Tibet's spiritural leader is called His Holiness, the 14th Dalai lama Tenzin Gyatsu. Born in 1935 as Lhamo Dhondrub, the Dalai Lama currently lives in Dharamsala, India. Tibetan Buddhists beliebe that Dalai Lamas chose to reincarnate to serve the Bodhisattva(Buddha) of Compassion. The Dalai Lama says Tibetans should have full "meaningful autonomy" to protect their cultural heritage. He has also said the Chinese treat Tibetans like second-class citizens in their own country. Many young Tibetan activists want full independence. China calls the Dalai Lama a separatist, and the overnment dismiss international calls for talks with him. He says he will resign his leadership of the Tibetan government in exile if the protests worsen.
-----這段是CNN對達賴的陳述。達賴要求"西藏完全自治” “來保護他們的傳統文化”,理論上是很合理,但能行得通嗎?那就像北美的原住民也可以要求"北美完全自治” “來保護他們的傳統文化”,不也一樣挺合理?你說,要北美的外來人全離開,那能行得通嗎?一樣的道理,一樣的邏輯,CNN就沒有想想,你說中國不理國際呼籲,那北美的外來人(包括你CNN)是不是也去呼籲美國/加國政府跟原住民談談“完全自治”的問題?自己做不到的事,又怎麽要人去做呢?
Human Right
The U.S.State Department in 2007 found a repression of religious freedom in Tibetan areas of China and that there was a general continuation of Human right abuses. These include torture and arbitrary arrest abd detention, according to the State Department. Among other violation cited, Chinese authorities often failed to notify relatives or employers of arrested persons within 24 hours of the arrest as required by law. The Chinese government also instituted new controls over the practice of Tibetan Buddhism, according to the State Department. China‘s Ministry of Culture blocked information about tibet on the interent in China. Authorities forced the largest Chinese-language Tibet-related Web site,, to delete content and increase its control over blogs.
是啊,我們作為讀者最不喜歡的就是被媒體欺騙,也不喜歡被媒體左右。你說,你何必要被美國政府的數據所左右,何必要被藏獨一方麵的聲音所左右?CNN,正視曆史,正視錯誤,拿出你當年報道海灣戰爭真實一麵的勁頭來,人們才會相信你,人們還會喜歡你。你說不是嗎?I encourage your reporters visit China, and visit Tibet province if possible. To SEE and To FEEL China. Please do not just criticize by guessing something. We didn't believe silly propaganda from Chinese government, now we don't believe Dalai Lama and most western medias. Why, this is your achivement. Your reporters tell us we cann't believe your reports any more. If you really want to help both sides, you should do your research. This issue is so completed that it can not be fixed up quickly by saying boycott or shut up. We only care about the fact and the solution. Isn’t it?
CNN Editor's note: CNN was denied permission to join the group of reporters to Tibet by China's foreign ministry.
LHASA, Tibet (AP) -- Police closed off Lhasa's Muslim quarter on Friday, two weeks after Tibetan rioters burned down the city's mosque amid the largest anti-Chinese protests in nearly two decades.
Zangs attacked members of China's dominant Han ethnic group and Chinese Muslims known as Hui, who have dominated commerce in the city.
Politically right but need a bit more editorial attention.
美國,加拿大,澳大利亞,新西蘭以及日本對本國的原著民就已做得比中共狠了 !
你人也不在西藏, 你說國外媒體比中國報道更接近事實, 不也是在根據自己的偏見給結論?
我沒什麽偏見, 在西藏報道上, 我隻看事實. 事實是西方媒體報道錯了, 自己也承認了, 道歉還很沒誠意. 所以西方的報道現在是不可以信了. 達賴呢, 也不可以信. 是他說的, 和平示威, 那五個女店員是誰燒死的? 這樣的謊都扯, 真夠CNN.
別人不象你, 人家都有腦子, 不會宣傳說什麽就熱血沸騰.
--- 強烈支持!!
不過, 很可能你已這樣做, 但CNN 可能不會公布。
我也住在加拿大, 在 Saskatchewan, 向楊子問句好。
Also, it's not "Tibetians attack Chinese truck" , but "Tibetians attack Han people Truck".
STATEMENT on "CNN statement on Tibet coverage"
It is glad to know that CNN has realized the tremendously negative publicity it had earned itself over the Internet recently, and it has abandoned its usual "keep silent" way of dealing with credibility charges by putting out a statement clearing itself on its Tibet coverage, which had been criticized for distorting facts and taking side by many bloggers and news agencies all over the world. The pressure must have been huge that CNN the experienced defendant against credibility accusations (number speaks, googling "CNN lies" returns 653,000 results, more than double of the 305,000 results for "Spitzer prostitution", the hottest news this year) has to respond.
As witnesses of the false reports from CNN, we recognize the effort CNN makes to polis***ainted image, however, we can only find the statement in its whole an evasive and vague piece trying only to make excuses. We feel pity for CNN again acting in such a dishonest and unapologetic way.
Taking a quick look at what CNN has to say, one will find CNN's excuse for cropping picture laughable. Web based publication has great deal of freedom in presenting multimedia materials including pictures. CNN could have posted the picture in its entirety while moving text to the rest of the area without any trouble at all. Web pages are not printed materials, resizing and reframing paragraphs are virtually costless and effortless. In fact, after being attacked for cropping the picture, CNN modified the page to put a zoomed out version of the entire original photo, without having to move text format at all. Then why did CNN need to crop it in the first place? Also, CNN argues in the statement that the picture was captioned "Tibetans throw stones", then by what motive would a rational editor crop out the exact part of people throwing stones? No excuse can possibly be found to justify the discrepancy between what CNN did and what CNN claims.
Besides, CNN's factual mistakes are not limited to the picture or calling Tibet as a country. During its TV airing until as late as March 25th, when multiple sources had confirmed Tibet riot violent and deadly, CNN anchors repeated called Tibetan turbulence a "peaceful protest". It was exceptionally misleading and was a major distortion of fact. Even after had published the mistakes of CNN and other news outlets, Lou Dobbs of CNN continued to use the same wrong deions in his TV program. Even an whole team of unprofessional reporters and editors would not be a strong excuse to make up for this.
CNN also repetitively refused to identify the dead as victims of the riot, and in their carefully calculated lines constantly implied that they were protesters left dead by government actions, while in fact, they were murdered by those CNN-called "peaceful protesters".
Observing all these facts, no one could be convinced that CNN's distortions and erroneous messages were simply editorial or technical mistakes. They are consistent and still on-going, in favor of one side of the story.
In addition, CNN has in its reports repetitively excluded Tibetan ethnics from the Chinese. This is unacceptable, or in the American term, politically incorrect. It is just similar to calling African American and Caucasian American as Blacks and American.
While the German news agency RTL had quickly acknowledged and apologized for its mistake after pointed it out, professionals in journalism at CNN still refuse to acknowledge mistakes to redeem trust. We have to say, the denial issued by CNN on March 28th was just a weak and pathetic attempt to weasle away from the systematic lying campaign CNN had conducted in the past weeks.
By FridayInLove