Life is beautiful

酸甜苦辣鹹,人生五味,life is beautiful!


(2007-01-29 11:57:22) 下一個

第一次去海邊度假,原因是總覺得度假勝地沒文化,除了躺在沙灘上沒什麽可幹的,而老公是個坐不住的猴子,我又不太喜歡曬太陽。所以從我們兩個人大二暑假開始遊中國,然後遊美國,遊歐洲,海邊我們是不去的 -- 傲慢與偏見共存。

在我懷孕三個月時開始策劃我們兩人世界的最後一次度假計劃。時間很容易定,一定是在2007年的一月下旬: 不可能再早,原因是老公老早就把2006年的假用玩了,而我在每個月下旬的時候容易走開;也不可能再晚,因為一月下旬我已經懷孕六個月了。既然肯定是最冷的冬季,歐洲第一個被排除,又冷白天又太短,也不想費勁去搞簽證; 回國第二個被排除,北京隻比紐約更冷,不想生病,我這個樣子也不適合在外麵瘋玩兒瘋狂購物胡吃海塞; 所以一定要去個不需要簽證的暖和地方,現成的地方有三個:Florida,US Virgin islands,或夏威夷。Florida比較近,也相對便宜,可想想以後不知要帶孩子去多少次,還是留著帶孩子去吧。US Virgin Islands聽起來是個好選擇,也不太遠,可是查了查,貴不說也沒什麽好玩的,真的隻能呆在resort裏成天在沙灘上曬太陽。所以我們選了去夏威夷。

可是去夏威夷的那個島呢?據說四大島各有各的特色,我喜歡的旅遊參考網站Frommer's誠懇地建議大家一個星期隻去一個島。好在有三個朋友四個島都去過,鑒於我目前的狀況,都建議Maui or Kauai,我看了一些網站介紹之後覺得Maui更有趣些,於是時間地點都定了。




從Newark到Maui沒有直飛,所以來回我們都在加州轉機,每一段都五六個小時,正好我可以下來活動一下吃點東西。一路無話,到達Maui的Kahului機場居然還提前了,真是奇跡!一下飛機就覺得空氣溫暖潮濕,說不出的舒服,等行李的地方居然是半開放的,即有屋頂,可是沒有其他所有機場都有的自動門,根本就沒有門!老公本來在網上租了輛mid-size sedan,到了Alamo一激動upgrade到了SUV,所以我們一星期開的是TrailBlazer,事實證明是個好主意。


Check-in後進了房間又是一陣驚喜:很大的一個studio,足有500多尺,一個king-size的床,一組沙發,餐桌椅,小小的但設備齊全的廚房,浴室裏大理石牆壁和地麵,還有一個walk-in closet。我們這次很奢侈地訂的是有海景的房間,天黑了看不清,但可以聽到海浪的聲音,隱隱可以看到海麵上浮著的一隻白色小船。

開車進來的時候我們發現隔壁就是個shopping center,決定放下行李就去逛逛,找點吃的。



做了咖啡,吃了簡單的早餐,我們下樓去沙灘上散步。我穿了花花的吊帶裙,一對相配的長長的搖曳的耳環。雖然才七點多鍾,外邊的空氣是溫暖的,赤腳走在沙灘上,溫和的海風拂麵,陽光暖洋洋地照在身上,說不出的愜意。我們先往北朝Sheraton的方向走過去,讓晶瑩透明的海水輕撫我的腳麵,還有好幾對在沙灘上散步,有的人已經下海玩去了。一直走到Sheraton背後的大礁石那裏,發現海水平靜有人在snorkel,我也想在星期三出海之前來練習一下。我們轉身往回走,幾乎一直走到Ka'anapali beach的最南端,發現那裏有些小浪頭,有人在練習衝浪。一路上走過來,有人在遊泳,有人在劃艇,有人在散步,有人在曬太陽,有小孩子在玩沙子。。。原來這個海灘這麽好,能做的事情這麽多呀!

散了兩個小時步回來我們決定先去Lahaina,把朋友送的snorkeling trip的票給拿了。然後我去買了一塊花花的長sarong,老公買了花花的短褲和花花的Hawaiian shirt。中午在一家有海景的飯館吃飯,老公要了Blue Hawai'i,我不能喝酒就叫了什麽volcano eruption,其實就是耶汁冰淇淋shake,也插了傘的。老公叫的魚是Opa,很嫩,我叫的Hawaiian chiken salada也比平時吃的要好很多。吃完了還賴著不想走的時候,後麵的一桌人驚叫說看鯨魚,發現遠遠有鯨魚噴水,後來有一頭鯨魚用尾巴拍水,直拍了十數下。

下午在Lahaina逛小店,家家都賣顏色鮮豔的各種Hawaiian shirt,sarong, 遊泳褲,比基尼,花包,裙子,手工藝品,我們吃冰淇淋,shave ice。我又買了個豔粉的一個花包,因為帶去的腰包實在不適合孕婦用。




heavenly road to Hana

I can’t argue whether it’s indeed “the world’s most beautiful drive”, but it’s surely a heavenly hell of a drive!
想起九八年在加州一號公路上開車欣賞太平洋美景的經曆。那次我們兩個拿到駕照不到半年,隻在伊利諾伊平直的高速上開過車,所以總覺得那次的開車經曆更為驚險,當然也因為主要的那段山路是我開的,心有餘悸。加上那次是老土第一次開眼,所以覺得風景美不勝收,簡直無法用語言形容。二零零一年去17-Miles就沒覺得不好開,不過仍然覺得好看。形態各異的岩石,雪白的浪花,平靜的一望無際的海麵,湛藍的天空,燦爛的陽光,新鮮的空氣...... 這次的Hana Highway除此以外,還有茂密的熱帶雨林,開著紅花的大樹,綠油油的酷似桂林鳳尾竹的竹林。

Cringing at the thought of being among tourist cars crawling along the way, we started the day at 7am. In an hour or so we got to the first vista point, overlooking a large bay with dozens of surfers. We stopped there again on our way back at about 4:30pm and there were maybe a hundred.
第一次看真人衝浪。小時候在電視上看的時候我好羨慕啊。老早以前看過一部Keanu Reeves演的Breakpoint,覺得學衝浪看起來也不很難。這次站在海邊親眼看過去,就知道這決不是一件怕水的我能做的事。很多人扶著衝浪板在海麵上浮著,等待時機,一旦浪頭湧來,就要抓住機會在浪頭到達自己的一瞬間以前站起來,然後順勢滑去,但一定要保持自己處在breakpoint前,技高的人還能在浪尖上做些動作,技術不高的人很快就被浪頭吞滅了。衝完,他們就趴在板上,靠胳膊一點一點滑回來,遇到浪頭,他們就一撅屁股把頭藏到水裏。看到幾個surfer,體型膚色不是一般的好,相比之下在岸上看熱鬧的我們一個個都膚色蒼白體型不是臃腫就是幹瘦。

Soon afterwards the speed limit becomes 15mph with never-ending curves and endless single-lane bridges and narrows. It’s really quite stressful for driving: constantly spinning the wheel, shifting the pedals, and fighting off the temptation to take your eyes off the road for the scenery. The way back is even more difficult since the drive is mostly on the edge side and most hairspin turns are to the right, unnatural for a right-handed driver.

We got to Hana at about 1pm with maybe 10 photo-snapping stops. After a quick lunch, we stopped at Waianapanapa (how many A’s are there?) State Park and Keanae peninsula on our way back. The most remarkable view and sound is the roaring sea crashing into pitch-back modern-sculpture-like volcanic stones. Together with those black sand (volcanic ash) beaches along the way, the contrast to the beaches on the west side of the island where we stay is truly amazing.

The real highlight of the day, though, is our dinner at Mama’s Fish House. Recommended by a friend, it’s the most expensive meal we’ve ever had ($200 total), but it’s well worth it for the best fish dishes we’ve ever had. We got there at 5pm and it was already more than half filled. Most fish entrees are fresh catch of the day (with the fishing company name listed). The Ahi (bigeye/yellowfin tuna) sashimi appetizer is gorgeous. J had A’u (marlin/swordfish) and I had silver-mouth Lehi (snapper) with crispy skin, both incredibly tender and juicy. Compared with them, the Opah (moonfish) we had for lunch yesterday, which wasn’t too bad at all, was like rubber.


One of the best on-shore snorkeling place in Maui is the Black Rock, only a few hundred feet away from our hotel. What a place for our first snorkeling experience! It’s a surreal feeling to swim with the fishes. Can’t wait for tomorrow’s Molokini snorkel cruise!


The only other event in the day is the Old Lahaina Luau, reputed to be the best in town. The food and show were ok, but really toursy. It’s kind of fun to see 500 people together in Hawaiian dress and vacation mood.



I’ve never heard of snuba diving, but when it was advertised on our way to Molokini, I felt it’s something I should try, since we won’t do any scuba diving. It turned out to be one of the better decisions I’ve ever made.

Snorkeling is fun, but you’re confined to the surface. Scuba diving is the ultimate, but it’s scary and requires a lot of training. Snuba diving is scuba on leash: you’re connected to an oxygen tank on a floating raft by a rubber hose, so you don’t need to carry the oxygen, but of course you can only go as deep as the tube length, which assures safety.
要不是在懷孕我肯定也要去試試的,雖然怕水,可是我更怕missed the fun。但是在懷孕,水下壓力大,我還是不冒險的好。所以我就要了根noodle,穿戴好了,慢慢從船上蹭下水去。有了noodle我更不用擔心浮在水麵上和呼吸的事了。Molokini的水好清呀!但是比Black Rock深多了,所以是一種晶瑩的深藍色,在有陽光的時候是一種熱帶的清涼,當陽光隱在白雲後麵是一種深邃的神秘感。因為多雲,所以水比較涼,我們租了wet suite,所以我得以在水裏多玩兒了一陣子。離Molokini越近,水稍淺,珊瑚越多,魚就越多。後來發現魚也喜歡船,船邊上也聚了一大群魚。熱帶魚真是給我一種不真實的感覺,太鮮豔了,太漂亮了。

For the first time, a scuba diver leads the group of 8 people. It took a while to feel comfortable, and then it’s pure bliss. Why argue whether we know how a fish feels? Just do a dive and follow a fish. The original schedule includes a 2nd snorkel site called Turtle Island, but the weather wasn’t good over there so we came back to Molokini. A 2nd snuba diving is offered, and only me and my diving partner (two persons use one oxygen tank) took it up. With much fewer people and the hose length doubled to 30ft, it was a lot more enjoyable. We saw a sting ray just as we got down, and made a big circle around our ship (J saw our raft moving on the surface). Truly, truly awesome.

Before dinner, we went up to the north-west end of the island to see surfers at Honolua Bay. It was almost like what we see on TV. Truly, truly amazing.

The sushi dinner that caps off the great day is of no less quality. What a day in, on, and from the ocean!
我承認我很不乖,叫了sashimi boat, flower sushi。我還是喜歡生魚。


We booked a tour for 10am, but they had some technical problem and had to move us to 3pm, so we went to snorkel at Black Rock for a few hours first.

We caught some glimpses of quite a few whales on our way to and back from Molokini, but nothing could have prepared us for this afternoon. We saw several groups of whales, maybe a total of more than 20 individuals. The main group is 5-6 males chasing and fighting for a female, kept circling and surfacing.

Then on our way back, the captain made a detour to see a mother whale and her calf playing. We saw maybe 10 breaches of the mother. Indescribable!!!

breakfast at Longhi at Lahaina
trip to Volcano Haleakala, national park
touring Kihei and Wailea
Dinner at Roy Yamaguchi's in Kihei

unwilling to leave our room,
walk on the beach to Black Rock one more time
Iao Valley
Surfing watching, shopping,
Dinner at Mama's Fish House again
Leaving Maui

Things we did in our last two days:

  • Haleakala National Park: We drove all the way to the 10,000ft summit–that must be the easiest mountain “climbing” ever. The road is extremely well paved, and really a piece of cake for driving compared to Hana Highway. The desolate scene within the dormant volcano is unlike anything we’ve ever seen, but it’s a pretty boring landscape.
  • South Maui: Coming down from Haleakala, we drove around Kihei and Wailea. There’s a stark contrast between the high-end resort hotels in Wailea and the working-class residences in Kihei. Had dinner at one of Roy Yamaguchi’s restaurant, again very nice.
  • Outrigger canoe race: We first saw scores of canoes getting to Black Rock from our balcony, and later when we did a last walk on Kaanapali beach we saw people getting to the finish point at Whaler Village.
  • Iao Valley State Park: We booked a guided rain forest walk, but the guide called in sick (we suspect that s/he went surfing instead). The valley vista is very different from other places on the island, but the park is too small.

We wrapped up the wonderful vacation with a 2nd trip to Mama’s Fish House. It’s not as shockingly good as the first time, but still very pleasant.

The last thing we did on the island is to munch away 3 apples at the airport, since no fruit is allowed back to the continent. A guy sitting beside us gorged 2 big apples all by himself. Then came the long flight home, and the vacation is over :cry:

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