

Mutual Fund Analyst will Pick

(2006-02-08 22:17:36) 下一個

What Makes a Mutual Fund an Analyst Pick?


Only funds with the right recipe make it to our most exclusive list.


by Kunal Kapoor, CFA | 12-01-05 | 06:00 AM | E-mail Article | Print Article | Permissions/Reprints


Consistent, Thoughtful Strategies

In our experience, successful funds tend to be driven by consistent, repeatable strategies. Nothing draws our ire more than a manager who suddenly switches strategies midstream to accommodate either the market or marketing folks. The reality is that most strategies will hit a rough patch eventually, but the key to long-term success is staying focused on the strategy and riding out those rough patches. For instance, many investors just couldn't fathom why we stood by large-cap value funds such as  American Funds Washington Mutual AWSHX and  Oakmark Fund OAKMX during the late 1990s, but we did so because of an understanding that there was nothing fundamentally wrong or changed about the funds' strategies, even if the market had moved away from them.


Experienced, Successful Management

Although there are some notable exceptions, we rarely put a fund on our picks list unless management has years of experience. In some ways, this trait is linked to the last point about not switching strategies, because experienced, successful managers are less prone to get caught up in fads or short-term trends. They are also likely to demand more from newer analysts, deepening the quality of the bench at their firms. There are instances in which there are no experienced managers at the helm of an Analyst Pick, but in those cases we have put a lot more stock in the quality of the organization supporting the managers.


Low Expenses

This is an obvious metric but one on which we put a great deal of emphasis. Simply put, we won't buy funds that charge too much. In fact, there are several funds that come to mind for which we like the strategies and managers but just won't add the funds to the list because expenses are too high. Expenses have greater predictive value than any other data point in the fund universe. True, there will always be a handful of costly funds with great performance, but they're less likely to enjoy continued success than those with lower expenses. Realistically, returns on stocks and bonds may be fairly modest for the next decade, so every penny saved in expenses can have a meaningful impact on your bottom line 10 years from now.


Good Stewards

No evaluation of an investment manager is complete without a consideration of whether they are acting in the interests of shareholders. We like to see managers who are compensated based on long-term performance and who invest in the funds they manage, boards that are engaged and communicating with fundholders, and shareholder reports and letters that are honest, thoughtful missives. Those are signs that management cares about its main constituency, the fund's shareholders. As such, no fund with a  Stewardship Grade below C can make our list.


We're not just doing this because we want to invest with Boy Scouts. These factors can have a big impact on returns. Funds with large sums of managers' money at stake often are managed in a more tax-efficient manner, for instance.


Other Considerations

Investors will note that each category contains an assortment of picks that are often quite different from one another. That's because we recognize that different funds come with different risks and that it's rare for one fund to be suitable for everyone. We want our Analyst Picks list to be useful to a broad swath of investors, so each category tends to contain an assortment of funds. Nonetheless, we won't just include a fund to add variety to a list. It must rank among our favorites and meet all the criteria we've listed.


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