2007 (217)
2008 (206)
2009 (152)
2010 (118)
2011 (142)
2021 (1)
If you're fond of sand dunes, and salty air
Quaint little villages, here and there
You're sure to fall in love with old Cape Cod
If you like the taste of a lobster stew
Served by a window with an ocean view,
You're sure to fall in love with old Cape Cod
Winding roads that seem to beckon you
Miles of green beneath the skies of blue
Church bells chiming on a Sunday morn,
Remind you of the town where you were born
If you spend an evening, you'll want to stay
Watching the moonlight on Cape Cod Bay
You're sure to fall in love with old Cape Cod
If you spend an evening, you'll want to stay
Watching the moonlight on Cape Cod Bay
You're sure to fall in love with old Cape Cod
You're sure to fall in love,
You're sure to fall in love with old Cape Cod
I was so scared i cut my hair short before I finish the message. oh...:)
To rub more salt into the “wound, your long hair is gone. The light of beauty reflecting upon the 'mirrors' could be dimmed by your“irresponsible” choice.
To vent my frustration and to “revenge” for your degradation of me, I'd like to take a shot at you. Hey, It's only fair, though. :)
I don't know why, but there seems existing an unwritten rule that at some point of female lie, tshe has to wear short hair to comply with the so called “normality” which was set long time ago. In my humble opinion which I am dutifully remind you is definitely biased, a female would wear her short hair if and only if one or more following scenario is/are met.
a. She must follow her job requirements. For instance, It is unsafe for a female machinist to wear long hair as it may prone to inflict an accidental body injury.
b. She has absolutely no time to take care of her long hair because of her extremely tight time constraint. Note, such reason must not be arbitrated by “lame” excuse(s).
c. She is in the crux of an economical recession/depression or in the middle of a war. Data has shown that more women cut their hair during the economical downtown and hard time.
d. She has to make a statement for rebranding or enforcing her image in order to signal a new beginning of hers after some adversary setback occurred in her life such as a heartbreaking break-up, losing her love one or a job …
e. She can not afford to use more haircare products because of her financial woes.
f. She is instructed clearly by her doctor to do so because of her health conditions.
g. She is too old to take care of herself at home or at a senior-care center.
h. She has to make a quick move to arouse the attentions from her love because his affection may be eroded as time wages on.
I. Since the very beginning, she has been told by her parents, her love, her friends and her hair dressers that he face and her stature are not suitable to long hair.
Right or wrong, please don't spend time to repudiate my reasons as they come from an insensitive, ridiculous and narrow-minded sexist/pig. :(
There is good thing, though, if you ever change your mind , which I believe is an independent and thoughtful one, you still can wear your long hair again. :)
嗬嗬,我幾乎不會有加班的時候。我打英文的速度估計快於中文的三四倍。 其實關於這個地方有很多想說的,我希望能像縱然那樣洋洋灑灑寫一篇,可沒有他的文字功夫和文學修養。 Cape Cod是新英倫象征地之一, 肯尼迪家族的老巢,很居有觀光價值。
一霖,我在摩洛哥館待了90多分鍾呢,避暑,陶醉於那裏的風光,手工藝品,三層樓,每個角落都看遍,可惜沒吃的~~ 當時仔仔跟別人在
hehe, 一上來一大片英文,到讀完之前都想當然地認為是縱然平行.阿蘇今天怎麽,在加班嗎?
very nice place to stroll around, 頗有些世外桃源的意境。
Hope you be there,someday!