2007 (217)
2008 (206)
2009 (152)
2010 (118)
2011 (142)
2021 (1)
After six years, I have reached the point that I know God and trust Him enough to put myself into His hands. I love God as He is. All I want is to be closer to God because He is so good. In Jesus, I have real joy in my heart and peace of mind.
I came from
I was so far away from God that I never could imagine being a Christian. I thought I must first settle all the doubts as well as make sure I can do the things God wants us to do. Back then, it seems almost impossible. When I prayed to God, I asked Him to show me He is real in any way and if He guided me I would not resist. Since then lots of amazing things happened. I still have the questions but my heart was changed by God. I became humble and obedient. I was really connected to God at the end of 2006
Soon after I came to XXChurch in 2007, strangely I had this feeling that I would certainly be a Christian eventually, I was not there yet, but I would be there. And I was not anxious at all.
Then one day at the end of 2007 I was sure I wanted to be baptized. I didn’t get there through the way I expected at all. God made it happen in His own way, which I have no idea how, and with the opposite order. I believed in Him and learnt to trust first, and then he showed his work on me. Thus I figured out what faith was. We sometimes have to make our first move. It is like the Israelites [Isereilaiz] at the sea with the Egyptians behind them. They walked into the ocean. There were no signs of how God was going to support them. The first steps were in the water but when they continued with faith, at that moment, the sea split.
Talking about Grace, I am grateful whenever I remember it is not only me who looked for God but also and more it is God who drew me close to Him. Grace is given to us because God loves us, not because of our goodness or efforts.
Today I am ready to declare proudly to the world that I belong to Jesus and have started the journey following Him. I am all excited and full of joy.
Thank you, my heavenly Father.
I want to finish with one of my favorite scriptures:
Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning, for in thee do I trust; cause me to know the way wherein I should walk, for I lift up my soul unto thee.
Praise Lord!
thank you. May God be with you!
願神的眼目眷顧你, 願神的手扶植你, 願神的靈帶領你, 從現在直到永遠.
我三年前受洗,經曆了很多事。如今我最喜歡保羅的人生境界:“我已經學會無論在什麽景況都可以知足。 我知道什麽是缺乏,也知道什麽是富足。我已經學會了在任何情況下都滿足的秘訣, 不論飽足和饑餓, 富足或缺乏。 我靠著那加給我力量的, 凡事都能做。”
有一次我們教會一位執事禱告, 他說的的很簡單: 神啊, 你有永生, 我還要什麽呢。
信主就是追求一個這樣的單純, 很美好的路。 這也是我目前的理想, 因為我還在過程中。