2007 (217)
2008 (206)
2009 (152)
2010 (118)
2011 (142)
2021 (1)
那個德國老頭很喜歡和我討論問題,前一陣我們就西藏問題有過交流,他雖然以前是做律師的,但很正直,沒有任何歧視,和我的談話中充滿了公平意識,討論之後對西藏問題也開始改變一開始的看法。下麵是他發來的有關這次MISSION TRIP的情況的EMAIL之一, 他們還是很會生活,工作結束後會去西班牙旅行。
We are finished in Kharkov; and the church and missionary couple there deemed
it a great success. They are counting about 50 or more decisions for Christ.
Indeed the pastor from Texas gave incisive and succinct 5 minute sermons in
each session. They built on each other and might have convinced even me. In
fact for one session he was at another mission site and I had the privilege of
delivering that particular sermon. In each session of my class I had the
opportunity to follow up a bit on points in the sermon. Also in each session
there was witnessing. One of our guys accepted Christ and nothing happened.
So he prayed again; then again; and figuring he was not doing it right he
prayed again for a month or more thereafter. Still nothing. But he says by
that time he was a Christian anyway. A powerful witness. We had the chance to
have a long chat answering questions from a young Christian from Iran. He
prayed and prayed; and also nothing. Finally he said O.K. God, if you are real
you can heal my chronic backache. If it's not gone by tomorrow your'e out of
here. He was healed and is now a strong believer. I cannot say anyone in my
class stood on his head for Christ, but they came again and again, some
traveling an hour after work, and they showed their appreciation on the last
night. In fact the evening session gave the teachers a standing ovation. It
was very moving.
Long enough, got to go.