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我很早開始聽DIRE STRAITS的歌, 為他們著迷.喜歡他們滿不在乎的隨意風格,酷酷的樣子和精彩的配器.後來有了李宗盛,我一直以為他有DIRE STRAITS 的味道. 這就是總讓我想起倫敦傍晚的那首歌
“這首WHY WORRY詮釋了我於歐洲,尤其是倫敦充滿詩意的幻想。閑適,潮濕,黃昏時漸暗的屋子,街上駛過的汽車,低低的鋼琴聲,和充斥了房間的書香與溫馨。心中那一刻無以言表的溫暖和浪漫,似是記憶蕩漾。”-寫於多年前
Why Worry
Baby I see this world has made you sad
Some people can be bad
The things they do, the things they say
But baby I'll wipe away those bitter tears
I'll chase away those restless fears
That turn your blue skies into grey
Why worry, there should be laughter after the pain
There should be sunshine after rain
These things have always been the same
So why worry now
Baby when I get down I turn to you
And you make sense of what I do
I know it isn't hard to say
But baby just when this world seems mean and cold
Our love comes shining red and gold
And all the rest is by the way
Why worry, there should be laughter after pain
There should be sunsh ine after rain
These things have always been the same
So why worry now