是頂頂牛在我博客所留的長篇評論,讓其孤單單呆那兒 舍不得啊!
Just elaborate a little more on 三重境界
1. Play for the glory.
When you win, you have everything you want- fame, money, praises, pretty girls and famous women all around you. Everyone can play for that. Sometimes people are willing to do anything, even cheating for the win. Because winning, including winning at any price, is their ultimate goal.
2. Play for revenge, to counter the humiliation and prove your critics wrong. Like Sampras, his 2002 US open title is his sweet revenge for all the people who openly discuss his retirement and wrote his career obituary for months. After that, he has nothing to play for. So he leaves tennis for good.
3. Play for the love of the sport. Therefore, your biggest enemy, is not longer the guy who denies you over and over gain. Here you are playing against yourself, reinvent your skill and strategies, get out of your comfort zone, overcome your weakness, and breakthrough for victory.
那個表情沉靜如水, 在球場上輕靈如大師在鋼琴上隨意揮灑的少年, 他的優雅和才華這個世界從未見過。 不世的天份加上非凡的自律, 讓 他不斷攻城拔寨, 贏得一個又一個的獎杯, 創造一個又一個的記錄. 他年輕的心, 相信沒有什麽是不能征服的.
第一階段, 是笑傲江湖, 沉醉在夢想成真的喜悅中.
然後, Rafa出場了, 他能夠抓住羅傑反手的的些微漏洞, 無情的撕成巨大的傷口; 他能把羅傑瞬間的猶疑, 轉變成永遠的追悔; 他放大羅傑的的脆弱和缺陷, 吊起來讓所有的人可以無情批評和嘲弄. 他不僅一再擊碎羅傑的法網夢, 更一次次攻向羅傑的陣地, 奪走溫網,澳網,美網,還把羅傑趕下世界第一的寶座. Roger 總是輸給 Rafa,每一次失敗後,Roger隻有不斷苦苦尋找技術上破解之法, 推到了意誌和心理極限, 而羅傑真的從R手中奪回世界第一, 拿到法網, 超過了桑普拉斯的大滿貫記錄, 在今年ATP環球巡回總決賽重返巔峰,力擒Rafa, 五次獲得冠軍.
第二階段, 臥薪嚐膽, Roger 王者歸來, 他的勝利更甜蜜。
痛苦和失望使他謙卑, 但讓他更愛網球, 就像在愛情中的人“低到塵土”; 他知道, against Rafa and his own aging, 他可能會遇到的痛苦多於快樂, 更多傷心和偶爾甜蜜滿足, 但這不會使他從他的愛的身邊逃離.
If someone else is more deserving the win, he will applaud the ultimate winner and congratulate him with his whole heart. But before that, he will put up all his efforts and courage, risk being hurt by bearing his soul and heart, and fight till the end.
He tries to forget all the vain glory, the fear of failure, jeers from the press, even sweet revenge against his nemesis and stay true to his love, the love when he first found it when he was still a little boy. It is not the the glory, the desire to shut up all the naysayers, not even the hope of making history, it is true love, drives him to the last stage of his career.
There is just love, love for tennis, and one more fight against the inevitable decline of his physical conditions and emergence of the younger generation. The love makes him have peace with the guy that give him the most pain and humiliation and appreciate Rafa for motivating him to improve himself in every possible ways, to get closer and closer to...perfection..
第三階段, 真正的愛人, 愛我所愛, 無怨無悔
費德勒和納達爾他們兩位, 毫無疑問是網球曆史上最偉大的一對對手,不斷使對方改進提高, 挑戰不可能的任務,完全的 dedication, , 失敗後依然相信自己, 尤其難能可貴的是, 他們在場外互相尊重, 保持真誠的友誼, 讓網球迷如我見證網球最偉大的一段曆史和人性美好和優雅之處。