
【獨家猛料 ②】軍中大地震持續!何衛東落馬後,趙克石、福建係將領接連被清洗!

(2025-03-15 09:25:31) 下一個

【獨家猛料 ②】軍中大地震持續!何衛東落馬後,趙克石、福建係將領接連被清洗!





昨日,軍委副主席何衛東被抓的消息已經獲得第二渠道證實。但更大的風暴正在襲來!總後勤部前部長趙克石已被正式帶走,意味著軍方資源調配體係遭遇重大震蕩! 最新情報顯示,軍中大規模清洗正在展開: 何衛東的秘書遭調查,涉及機密信息外泄? 西部戰區副司令 + 多名福建籍軍長被控製,派係鬥爭激烈升級! 東部戰區海軍司令、軍委科技委副主任、軍辦主任等人紛紛落馬,軍隊高層洗牌加速! 趙克石被抓,真正的信號是什麽? 趙克石,這位1947年出生的上將,曆任南京軍區司令、總後勤部部長,曾是解放軍後勤係統的掌舵者。他熟悉軍費流向、物資調配、軍工體係,他的落馬可能意味著軍中貪腐鏈條被撕開,甚至涉及更深層次的政治博弈! 福建籍將領成清洗重點,意味著什麽? 福建一直是習近平的重要基地,如今福建係軍官大規模出事,是習徹底拋棄昔日舊部,還是軍中反習勢力遭遇致命打擊? 何衛東之後,誰是下一個? 這場軍方清洗才剛剛開始,真正的“大人物”還在後麵!北京的氣氛異常緊張,大清算仍在繼續…… 獨家消息,持續追蹤!後續更猛的內幕即將公布! #軍方震蕩 #中共內鬥 #趙克石 #何衛東 #軍中清洗 【Exclusive Bombshell ②】Military Purge Intensifies! After He Weidong’s Arrest, Zhao Keshi and Fujian Faction Generals Are Taken Down! Yesterday, the arrest of Central Military Commission Vice Chairman He Weidong was confirmed through a second independent source. But the political earthquake in the Chinese military is far from over! Former PLA General Logistics Department Minister Zhao Keshi has now been taken into custody, signaling a major shakeup in the military’s resource management and power structure! Latest intelligence confirms a massive military purge is underway: He Weidong’s secretary has been placed under investigation—possible leaks of classified information? Western Theater Command Deputy Commander + multiple Fujian-based generals have been detained—fierce factional struggles intensify! Eastern Theater Navy Commander, CMC Science & Technology Committee Deputy Director, and Military Affairs Office Director all purged—rapid restructuring at the top levels of the PLA! What does Zhao Keshi’s downfall really mean? Born in 1947, Zhao Keshi was a key figure in PLA logistics, previously serving as Nanjing Military Region Commander and Minister of the General Logistics Department. He had deep knowledge of military budget allocations, resource distribution, and the defense industry. His removal could indicate the exposure of massive corruption networks within the military, or perhaps an even deeper power struggle unfolding within the regime. Why is the Fujian faction being targeted? Fujian has long been one of Xi Jinping’s power bases. Now, a widespread crackdown on Fujian-based military leaders raises key questions: Is Xi purging his own former allies? Or is he crushing a rising anti-Xi movement within the military? Who’s next after He Weidong? This military purge is just beginning—the real high-profile targets may still be ahead. The political atmosphere in Beijing is growing increasingly tense, and the power struggle is far from over… Exclusive updates coming soon! Stay tuned for the next bombshell revelations! #PLA #CCPinfighting #MilitaryPurge #ZhaoKeshi #HeWeidong





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