原帖鏈接: https://x.com/uyunistar/status/1900176964989624417
據權威人士消息,中共二十屆中央政治局委員、中央軍委副主席何衛東在11號大會結束後,返回大樓時被當場帶走!目前,北京和上海的住所均遭到抄查,形勢極為緊張。 何衛東長期以來是習近平軍中核心圈的重要成員,曾任東部戰區司令,直接負責台海事務。他在黨內軍內的影響力極大,此番突發事件,預示著中共軍方可能再度迎來高層震蕩! 何衛東被帶走的真正原因是什麽? 是涉及軍中腐敗大清洗? 還是軍中派係鬥爭進入新階段? 抑或牽涉更深層次的政治危機? 這一事件恐怕將進一步加劇中共內部的不穩定,甚至影響台海局勢。
Exclusive Breaking News!
CCP Military Leader He Weidong Arrested, Homes Searched According to exclusive information from former Chinese journalist Zhao Lanjian
, CCP Central Military Commission Vice Chairman He Weidong was taken away on the spot after returning to the building following the end of the “Two Sessions” on March 11! Currently, his residences in Beijing and Shanghai have been searched, and the situation is extremely tense. He Weidong has long been a key member of Xi Jinping’s core military circle, having served as the commander of the Eastern Theater Command, directly responsible for Taiwan Strait affairs. His influence within the Party and military is immense, and this sudden incident foreshadows another potential high-level upheaval in the CCP military! What is the real reason behind He Weidong being taken away? Is it related to a major anti-corruption purge in the military? Or has factional struggle within the military entered a new phase? Or does it involve a deeper political crisis? This incident is likely to further exacerbate instability within the CCP and may even impact the Taiwan Strait situation. (Also: I previously reported on He Weidong’s affairs; the report link is in the comments section)