It is said that Princess Big Nest (aka. Have Nest, Big Feet Zhang, King-Mother Queen) got pregnant not long after she and Butcher Zhang (aka. Third Wolf Zhang, Flint Man, Jade Emperor, Sun God) got married. Xia was a matriarchal country; Big Nest was a princess of Xia; therefore, her daughter had the right to inherit the throne. According to the family rules of the Xia royal family, children must be born in the palace of Xia to be recorded in the family tree, so Big Nest returned to her parents' home every time she gave birth. As a result, the first child is a daughter. In the following years, princess Big Nest gave birth to five daughters in succession. Among them are adopted daughters.
華國是個父係傳承的國家。在張屠戶30歲時,大巢氏抱回了第七個女兒,告訴他, ‘母王特別喜歡她,賜名夏娃’!” 雖然張屠戶對又是個女兒感到沮喪,但也感覺到了母王要傳位給夏娃的意思,就有了造金童的決心。如果造人成功了,不但能幫夏娃獲得王位,自己也有了後裔(亦作後羿)。
張屠戶把這個想法告訴了妻子大巢氏。大巢氏當然願意,因為10年前(參見1.3節)由她的母王,女媧,和她自己擬定的 “女媧造人工程”到此終於有了階段性的進展。
Hua was a country with patrilineal inheritance. When Zhang the Butcher was 30 years old, Big Nest brought back her seventh daughter and told him, "Our Mother king particularly likes her and named her Eve (i.e., girl of Summer Country)!" Although Zhang the Butcher was frustrated about having another daughter, he also felt that the King Mother wanted to pass the throne to Eve, so he decided to create a golden boy. If he succeeded in creating a human, not only could he help Eve obtain the throne, but he would also have a descendant.
Butcher Zhang told his wife Big Nest about his idea. Of course she was willing, because the “Project of Nuwa’s Creation of Man”, which had been formulated 10 years earlier (see Section 1.3) by her mother, Nuwa, and herself, had finally reached a new stage of progress.
2.0-2 後裔 Descendant
Zhang the Butcher has been a good researcher since he was a child and began studying the Sky Book (see section 1.4) ten years ago. He himself is a golden boy, and Princess Big Nest is a jade girl. By this time, he was well versed in the theory of God's creation of man. He soon came up with a design for the Godly Trinity (Figure 2.0.2-1, cf. Section 10.9). After research, Butcher Zhang, Princess Big Nest, Nuwa and others selected a group of Golden Boy candidates in Shaoxing County in the north-central part of Zhejiang Province. The reason is that this area has a lot of ancient civilization heritage.
When the descendant (i.e., the golden boy) and Eve (i.e., the jade girl) were about one year old, Mr. and Mrs. Chang betrothed the two of them (as shown in Fig. 2.0.2-2) and made touching eyes for the descendant (as shown in Fig. 2.0.2-4). Touching Eyes are also known as non-dazzling eyes (as shown in Figure 5), and in Buddhism it is called the “flesh-eye through”. For the practice, see Chapter 3, Flesh-eye Through.
2.0-3 彤弓素矢 Red Bow Natural Arrows
傳說,是由女媧的丈夫伏羲,化名為梁山伯,為後裔啟蒙的。隨後張屠戶(如圖2.0.3-35)通過梁山伯(即穀神)這位使者來教導後裔,送給了金童“彤弓素矢”。目的是鏟除,消滅。後來後裔成為了“商地”。此 “地”是身土(如圖40的上部),即業(如圖3至34)。
Legend says that it was Nuwa's husband, Fuxi, who assumed the name Shanbo Liang, who revelated the descendant. Subsequently, Zhang the Butcher (as in Figure 2.0.3-35) taught the descendant through Shanbo Liang (i.e., Grain God), the messenger, who gave the Golden Boy “Red Bow Natural Arrows”. The purpose is to eradicate, to destroy, to divide. Later, the descendant became “quotient land”. This “land” means bodily soil (as in the upper part of Fig. 40), i.e., karma (as in Figs. 3 to 34).
After research, editor I think the “red bow natural arrows” in Chinese culture, Eros (arrows) in Greek culture, and the "quiver" in Mexican culture (as shown in Figure 41, right) all represent Aggregate Crux (see Chapter 14). Aggregate Crux talks about the causes of bitter in all sentients and is also a tool to eliminate all bitter.
那 “後裔射日” 是什麽意思?射義為鏟除。日代表上帝。本故事中,後裔(即金童)不相信神,而且要消滅眾神(如圖36)。圖37所示的太陽鳥就象征著夏娃。鳥肚子裏的太陽代表 “無住涅槃” (參見15.1節),是夏娃長期使用集起智所形成的空集。當後裔遇到了夏娃,就把夏娃 “射” 哭了。幸福歡樂的玉女(即夏娃)是福,悲傷哭泣的玉女是殃;所以後裔遭殃了,墮入了地獄(注,道理參見10.8 《神的外貌》;案例參見2.1.3節《自由戀愛》)。在地獄裏,後裔覺悟出了夏娃的父親,張屠戶,是上帝。
So, what does “descendant shooting the sun” mean? Shooting means eradication. The sun represents God. In this story, the descendant (i.e., the golden boy) does not believe in God and is out to destroy the gods (as in Figure 36). The sun bird shown in Figure 37 symbolizes Eve. The sun in the bird's belly represents “Non-dwelling Nirvana” (cf. Section 15.1), the empty set formed by Eve's longtime use of Aggregate-Arousal Intelligence. When the descendant meets Eve, he “shoots” Eve into tears. The happy and joyful Jade Girl (i.e., Eve) is a fortune, and the sad and weeping Jade Girl is a misfortune; so, the Descendant encountered a misfortune and fell into hell (Note: For the theory, see 10.8 "Godly Appearances"; for the example, see 2.1.3 "Naturally Falling in Love"). In hell, he realized that Eve's father, Butcher Zhang, is God.
The plan for the Nuwa human creation project has changed. This man-making project, which was a collaboration between the countries of Hua and Xia, was joined by the country of Cloud Sea (aka. Dragon Country). The book is generally told in chronological order, and now the Descendants and Eve are still in their infancy, so the subject of the two of them is interrupted.