happy birthday to me
(2007-09-14 12:57:33)
this birthday i was in Hongkong, my close friend Arun invited me to the famous hotpot restaurant on my request and we ate so much that i came back to the hotel at the same time of wake up call,quite rushed and a bit embarassed of being late though i was so happy with the shopping i did in hongkong.. nowdays i am only shopping for the quality stuff,not on quantity any more.i used to buy more than 30 pieces of dress at one time and gave them away without wearing even once.i think i should not keep on wasting money on that. shoes,tops and scarf looked so elegant and i really liked them.during the flight,captain called to tell me happy birthday which made me very surprised.......then some of the crew told me too.
at end of the flight on the crew bus purser made announcement and everyone sang for me happy birthday song along with a beautiful Clinic make up kit ,i was so touched by them ..........
i had a great time and it is a special day..........to remember.......