周日賴床,在溫暖的被窩裏看《大奉打更人》,不願意起來,幾集過後,突然意識到不能再沉淪了,第二天要上班,還有很多事情沒有做…… 太——鬱——悶——了!追劇的興致蕩然無存,我暫停了劇集,打開Notes開始寫起歌詞來。
我想營造出一種懶散卻又激烈掙紮帶來的巨大反差,因此,打算寫成一首搖滾風格的歌曲。因為不擅長樂器,我用自己天然樂器——我的聲音哼唱來作曲。很開心,經過幾個月運用Suno練習製作歌曲,潛移默化讓我習得了一些曲調的走向和曲風套路。這次Song Cover生成的歌曲還原度非常高,我非常開心。
PS: 我寫詞的時候記錯了“周一憂鬱症” 其實應該是"Monday Blues",我"Blue"後麵少了一個"s",這樣錯了一次,我應該再也不會忘記了……
Monday Blues
Composed/Written/Music Designed by Aubrey Morrow(暮子默)
Arranged and Performed by Suno
On Sunday afternoon,
I started watching a show
Sinking into my couch
with my rainbow pillow
I’ve lost myself in dreamy bubbles
But I still have 10 more episodes to go
Ooh~ oh~~
Oh No~ No~ No~~~~~
Tomorrow is Monday, I curl my toes
Getting up early is no joke!
Monday meetings feel like a horror show
Oh blue~ blue~ blue~~~~
Tomorrow’s Monday - My Monday blues
It’s sunny outside, but I’m drowning in rain
There’s nothing, nothing I can do…
I know, I know I have to power through
But I’ve lost the will to move
I don’t want to fight my lazy mood
My happiness, where can I find you?
Oh blue~ blue~ blue~~~~
Tomorrow’s Monday - My Monday blues
It’s sunny outside, but I’m drowning in rain
There’s nothing, nothing I can do…
Guess I’ll just watch another episode or two…