

Pray for Isreal Day 4

(2024-08-08 08:08:31) 下一個

We should laugh at the enemies for they are doing fool wicked things.

We should shout Hallelujah over the land for the redeeming time is near.

We should cry out victory for Almighty God is with Israel, your beloved pregnant woman is not alone.

In those days shall Judah be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell safely: this is the name wherewith she shall be called, the LORD our righteousness.
Jeremiah 33:16

And at that time, Isreal will rebuke all the enemies and put shame on them.
And at that time, El Shadai will invade supernatural protection for His Kingdom!

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, waiting for the outpouring love from the above, waiting for the Holy Spirit falling, opening new season of anointing, for doing new things is your LORD Adonai.

When hearts are UNITED, when voices are becoming one, hidden under your glory, your Holy, your Victory done on the Cross, we will see the harvest of billions souls.

O Yeshua’s bloodline, Isreal, You are Almighty God’s Almighty Army!

In Yeshua’s name, I praise You , Amen!

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